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MBABANE – A man of the cloth is behind bars, but it is not for the purpose of preaching good news.

He is in custody for alleged rape, assault, human trafficking and abortion. Thabiso Dlamini (31), who was considered a prophet among fellow congregants, is affiliated to a famous church which has branches in Eswatini, South Africa (SA), Malawi and other countries.

The church is headed by a popular prophet who was once based in SA. The veracity of these allegations are yet to be contested in court. The name of the church, a very popular one, was not named in court papers, but efforts to get a hold of the leadership of the congregation were unsuccessful at the time of compiling this report. Dlamini is said to have been arrested at Buhleni after intensive investigations by police officers from Pigg’s Peak. He has since appeared before the Pigg’s Peak Magistrates Court.


The prophet was charged under the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence (SODV) Act, as well as The People Trafficking and Smuggling (Prohibition) Act no. 7/2009. According to court documents, Dlamini was slapped with eight charges including ra-pe. It is alleged that he met the rape survivor during his duties, where he would hold home gatherings for his church. It is alleged that Dlamini was attending the church’s branch around a place known as Mbasheni in the Hhohho Region.

The prophet is then said to have met *Doris and her brother *Joshua around the same area through an older relative.
The man of the cloth is said to have, at some point, visited his alleged victims’ parental home, where he allegedly noticed that the family was nursing a bedridden relative. It was gathered that the children would also help in nursing the sick relative.

However, it is alleged that Dlamini expressed concern about this arrangement, which he described as bad for the children, as living with the sick person could affect them.After allegedly convincing the children’s guardians that it was not safe for them to stay at their home where there was a bedridden person, the said prophet is said to have been given permission to go with the children and live with them at his house.


It is alleged that this was also the same home where he would sometimes hold church meetings known as ‘cell groups’. In cell groups, church sessions are held during the week in small units to allow the members to have fellowship. At some point while he was living with the two children, Dlamini is said to have beaten them to instil discipline. This alleged beating is registered as one of the charges gainst Dlamini.

Later, Dlamini is said to have relocated to Buhleni, which is about 27 kilometres from Mbasheni, where he is said to have been living. At Buhleni, it is alleged that Dlamini lived in a flat and it is alleged that it was in this one-room house that he raped the woman.While at Buhleni, it is alleged that the abuse is said to have continued but prompt investigation by the police led to his arrest.

Dlamini was arrested and appeared before Magistrate Maseko last Monday. He was not asked to plead but was remanded back to custody until February 28, 2023, pending committal to the high court. He was also advised that he had a right to seek legal representation and that should he want to apply for bail, he could do so at the high court.
*Not real names to protect complainant and minor from any harm.

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