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MBABANE - Gobholo has been known for harbouring petty criminals, but being associated with men suspected to have killed showbiz guru Kiernan Forbes, popularly known as ‘AKA’, has left residents reeling from shock.

Far from living in abandoned buildings with cobwebs, dust and junk, the two mingled with the community. Along the corridors of the close-knit cluster of houses, they could be mistaken for any other resident. The duo of Siyabonga Gezani Ndimande (Nxele) and Malusi Dave Ndimande (Mjay) first rented a bedsitter at Gobholo for months, before moving to Zone 4, at Mahwalala, where they were eventually apprehended by the local police, acting on a provisional arrest application by the South African Government, through its courts. A majority of people prefer living at Gobholo because of the township’s proximity to the city and affordable housing.


The residents described the two accused as peaceful, calm and collected, during an interview with the Times of Eswatini journalists yesterday, after news of the arrest and subsequent appearance in court were trending on social media. However, the residents said, though their deep Zulu accent and lifestyle left room for suspicion, this was offset by the men’s ability to mingle with the community in a friendly manner. One resident said he wondered how the two afforded to rent a bedsitter for E2 200, while they were perceived to be unemployed, as per their own narration, which they gave to their fellow ‘community members’. The resident alleged that on the day the duo arrived at Gobholo, they introduced themselves with the Nkosi surnames and that they hailed from South Africa (SA) and had come to Eswatini for an initiation exercise for traditional healers (kutfwasa).


The resident said the two only brought along a few clothes and a new bed. They said the duo spent money lavishly. “Every day was Christmas Day to them in the compound, where they were staying. They always had a braai in the evening and shared the food with other tenants. Bebosa, hhayi kancane,” said one resident. The resident further purported that they (duo) always boarded a taxi from the house to town for groceries and other amenities. Another resident indicated that the two were his neighbours. He stated that their friendliness hid the suspicion that something was amiss.  “What I know about them is that they were Zulu-speaking, but were not discriminatory. I cannot believe what I saw on social media regarding the things they are suspected to have done. They were so nice to us,” said the resident.

Another resident further said he was surprised to see one of them carrying a black bank card, yet he was not employed. “I wondered how an unemployed individual could be in possession of a black bank card. They were always found relaxing within the compound, enjoying themselves,” said the resident. The resident said the duo would also join them in imbibing alcohol.
“The duo used to come and buy beverages in some of the drinking spots within the area. They were so friendly to us. I used to sit with them and we had a good time. I do not remember on any day hearing that they had caused chaos within the area,” said the resident. Another resident said it was shocking that Gobholo would harbour suspects for such a long time.

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