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MBABANE – Hloniphile Mabuza (nee Mkhonta) has accused her husband, Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza, of making derogatory statements about her to gain public sympathy.

Hloniphile said her husband, Bacede, allegedly made the derogatory statements about her also to possibly sway the court into losing sight of the real issues it needs to decide on, being the interests of their three minor children. She told the court that the children were missing out on school and were further being denied the lifestyle they had become accustomed to since birth. “Might I add that the respondent’s assertions and derogatory statements made upon myself are scandalous and should be struck out, for they are made solely for the purpose of gaining public sympathy,” said Hloniphile.

The veracity of these allegations is still to be tested in court. She further submitted that she was aware of 14 children fathered by her husband. However, when he was incarcerated, Hloniphile said she was introduced to four others.  She submitted that even though the children allegedly multiplied, it did not deter her husband from giving her the amount of E50 000 monthly allowance.


Hloniphile said Bacede had done so until April 2024, when he also allegedly stopped paying for his children’s accommodation and school fees. On another note, Hloniphile said she failed to understand why her husband insisted that his family would support her and the children. She said they had allegedly not bothered to assist her with the payment of school fees, despite that she alerted them. She said her mother-in-law was also not well and it would be insensitive of her to leave her with a house full of children, while she acclimates with the incarceration of her son.

Hloniphile further told the court that she was shocked to discover that a motor vehicle loan instalment of E17 500, in favour of Standard Bank was paid into her account on June 18, 2024, from the Dvonga Trust Account held at FNB, belonging to the former Member of Parliament (MP).  According to the applicant, she stopped using the Ranger Rover last year and bought a VW, which she could maintain. “I could not afford to maintain a E1 million motor vehicle. In full appreciation of the situation my husband is in, I had to downgrade and not financially over-burden myself with expensive car maintenance.” She argued that the respondent (Bacede), prior to this date, was allegedly aware that school fees for their children had become due on May 31, 2024. Hloniphile informed the court that she changed houses when the former MP allegedly stopped making rental payments.


“The house rent stood at E6 400 when he made the payment in February 2024. When the respondent stopped making such payments, I decided to move to an affordable house, wherein I currently pay E4 200 for rent.  “I further informed the respondent of my change of address and asked him to send a family member to confirm same, however, he told me that he would send a driver instead and I refused. I submit that I am still open to his family knowing and coming to see where I, as a Mabuza wife and children live.” Hloniphile denied that she owned the rental flats her husband was referring to. She also submitted that she also did not own a decor business. She said she only had one stretch tent, which her husband allegedly took to Luve. She stated that when she went to fetch it, she realised that she could no longer make meaningful income out of it.

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