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MANZINI – “Wisdom is like a rock; solid and unshakeable.”

Reverend Mfanaleni Mkhatshwa of the Sharpe Memorial Church of the Nazarene in Manzini, imparted this biblical message from Mathew 7: 24, to the recently-appointed National Commissioner (NATCOM) of Police, Vusi Manoma Masango. Surrounded by elders and clergy, the newly-appointed NATCOM, Masango, heard Reverend Mkhatshwa’s stirring words in the sanctuary of the Nazarene Church, his spiritual home, yesterday.


At the altar of the church, the spiritual community encircled the newly-appointed NATCOM, forming a support of prayer and divine blessing. Reverend Mkhatshwa and the church elders enveloped Masango in a cocoon of faith, imploring the Almighty to guide and strengthen him in his new role.  With the echoes of Matthew 7:24 reverberating within, this moment of devotion cast radiance over Masango’s journey as the nation’s top cop. In fervent prayer, Reverend Mkhatshwa implored God’s glory to grant Masango with wisdom and leadership, ensuring that those he serves will listen and trust him. 

The Sharpe Memorial Church pledged unwavering support to Masango and the nation, vowing to lift the country in prayer. Meanwhile, during the sermon, Reverend Mkhatshwa shared the Scripture of Matthew 7:24, comparing the security of a house built on solid rock to the durability of wise leadership. He urged Masango to build his new role as NATCOM on a foundation of strength and integrity, weathering the storms ahead with the same resilience as a house built on a solid rock. As the clergyman delved deeper into the theme of building a strong foundation, he hypothesised the most critical factor in the church’s endurance when faced with storms: A rock-solid foundation. He alluded to that the church, like a mighty fortress, could withstand the tempests of life with a strong foundation, mirroring the power of a solid foundation in Masango’s new role.


Even the mightiest kingdoms, such as ancient Israel, were not immune to the battering of trials and tribulations, Reverend Mkhatshwa reminded his congregation.  He preached that from relentless foreign invasions to internal strife, the empires of old weathered the storms of conflict and chaos, with their survival often hinging on the strength of their foundations.
“Even the mightiest kingdoms can crumble if their foundation is not solid. We must all be like lightning arresters, diverting the danger and protecting our kingdoms from harm,” Reverend Mkhatshwa preached. He drew parallels between ancient empires and modern leadership. With his words, the clergyman imparted a message to the newly-appointed NATCOM, Masango, to serve as a bastion of stability, deflecting turmoil and ensuring the safety and longevity of the nation.The man of God further shared that Abraham, abiding by God’s will in Genesis 22, erected an altar on Mount Moriah, the foundation stone at its base.


According to the clergyman, this rock, revered by Christians, is said to be the very place where God created man. He said this altar served as the cornerstone of Abraham’s faith, symbolising the steadfastness and strength of a foundation built on divine principles.The Sharpe Memorial Church, like a proud parent, offered its warmest congratulations to Masango as he embarked on his new role as NATCOM.  The community of the Sharpe Memorial Church of the Nazarene, with Reverend Mkhatshwa at the helm, imparted a message to construct a foundation rooted in the unshakeable bedrock of faith and steadfastness, just as Abraham did on Mount Moriah.

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