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MANZINI – A 29-year-old woman was allegedly brutally assaulted and raped while unconscious, purportedly by her long-term partner of nine years, in the presence of their minor children.
The incident reportedly took place last Friday at around 9pm in the outskirts of the Manzini Region. The couple’s children, aged seven, three, and eight months, are said to have witnessed the alleged attack. *Sabelo (49) and *Cynthia (29), were staying together at his parental home for nine years and have three children.Reports suggest that Sabelo, suspecting Cynthia of infidelity, supposedly instructed the children to close their eyes while he allegedly raped her. Cynthia is reported to have sustained injuries to her head and eye. It is said she had been allegedly abused in the relationship by Sabelo.

The accused appeared before Manzini Senior Magistrate Sihle Dludlu. He was charged with three counts under the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence (SODV) Act 15 of 2018. He is alleged to have had unlawful sexual intercourse with the complainant. He is accused of further assaulting her and exposing the minor children to sexual acts. The charge in the first count is accompanied by aggravating factors as outlined in Section 185 bis of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act 67 of 1938 in that he allegedly did not use protection. The charge sheet states that he exposed the woman to sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs). By his alleged conduct, he is accused of having caused life-long trauma. In addition, Sabelo reportedly also assaulted the complainant with punches and open hands. He is alleged to have committed the offence in the presence of the minor children. For this offence, he was charged for allegedly contravening Section 3 (1), (3) (f), (6) (c) as read with (9) (c) of the SODV Act 15 of 20018.


In the second charge, Sabelo is alleged to have contravened Section 77 (1) (e) of the same Act, in that he reportedly assaulted Cynthia with punches several times on the face, and such conduct caused imminent harm to her safety and well-being.In the third count, the accused, being the father to two minor children aged seven and four, allegedly exposed them to sexual acts and contravened Section 38 (a) of the Act.Meanwhile, it has been established that Sabelo was at home for most of the day in question. He is said to have periodically left the homestead to drink alcoholic beverages at a nearby location.

It is alleged that when he returned to the homestead, he allegedly demanded to have sexual intercourse with Cynthia, who responded by telling him that she was not feeling well.
He is said to have proceeded to assault her with open hands, punches and further hit her on the head with an unknown object until she collapsed. While assaulting her, he is said to have been questioning her about who she wanted to have sex with. This incident reportedly occurred in the presence of their young children. The children are alleged to have, upon seeing their mother being assaulted, tried to intervene but were reportedly overpowered by their father. He is alleged to have insulted them.


Sabelo also allegedly continued to rape her after she had regained consciousness. This publication established that when Cynthia regained consciousness, her children were trying to reason with their father, asking why he was attacking her. Sabelo allegedly insulted them and told them to leave the house.Cynthia is said to have contacted her mother and informed her about the incident. Her mother reportedly went to the residence on the following day (Saturday) and confronted Sabelo. He is said to have responded by telling her that he would continue to ill-treat Cynthia and allegedly threatened to kill her. He allegedly instructed Cynthia’s mother to take the children and leave.It was gathered that upon arriving at her parental home, Cynthia called the police to report the incident.  Due to lack of transport, she is said to have been asked to come to the police station to record a statement. A case was subsequently opened, and Sabelo was arrested. He has been remanded in custody until September 18, pending committal to the High Court.
*Not real name to protect minors and alleged survivor from victimisation.

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