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MBABANE – Be warned!

Government, through the Office of Government Spokesperson Alpheous Nxumalo, has advised emaSwati, especially the youth, against attending the upcoming event set to be attended by exiled former Member of Parliamet (MP) Mduduzi ‘Gawuzela’ Simelane towards the end of the year. In July this year, the former MP announced that he will visit neighbouring South Africa on November 2, 2024 and be in attendance at an event organised by his party, the Swaziland Liberation Movement (SWALIMO).

The event has been dubbed ‘The Gathering of the Nation’ and is set to be held at KaMhlushwa in Mpumalanga. Last month, Simelane announced that he has been granted a conventional travel document by the United Kingdom (UK). A convention travel document allows the holder to travel from the UK and re-enter without an issue upon returning.


But while his fans have shown excitement at his coming, based on their reactions on different platforms on social media, the government spokesperson has issued a strong warning.
This comes at a time when other fans of the exiled for MP have raised fears that government could use the opportunity to arrest him. In a statement issued yesterday, Nxumalo said government has no authoritative information that indeed Simelane will be in South Africa, save for what has been published in the media. Nxumalo said besides, government is not in a position to disclose public yet as to what strategic or tactical plans are in place to effect the pending warrant of arrest against Simelane and where and how it will be executed.


He said, however, government wishes to warn emaSwati who may be contemplating or considering to attend the event and others, that they will be exposing themslves to a toxic, dangerous and polarising political environment disguised as a ‘Christian or Spiritual’ event.“This is especially because it is obvious that the target audience that is being canvassed and hoodwinked to attend the event is the youthful one.


“This event apparently will be yet another form of mobilisation for a similar ‘Kungahlwa Kwenile’ tragedy. There is no doubt about how it will end-jeopardy,” said the government spokesperson. Nxumalo also urged parents and guardians to ensure that Simelane and his accomplices are not allowed to use the youth in another revolutionary adventurism that will cripple and destroy their respective potential future.


“Our message is simply that, stay away from events that have the potential to attract ‘tinkhabi’ as we are hearing rumours that they will invade the Kamhlushwa stadium on that particular day,” he said. When sought for comment, Simelane, who is SWALIMO President, said in their view, Nxumalo has articulated what is being said by the government behind closed doors.
Simelane said unfortunately, there is no amount of intimidation, propaganda and or manipulation that work to stop emaSwati from attending the event. “We cannot come this far to stop now. The prayer goes on. From this, we understand that a government is salivating for the impossible, there is no way they will effect the so-called warrant of arrest,” he said.


Elaborating, Simelane said the statement by Nxumalo proves that the spokesperson is not privy to international protocols. “He speaks of polarisation and toxicity, what could be worse than the daily toxic situation emaSwati live in at present? The purpose of the prayer is exactly that, praying against the toxic situation we find ourselves in as people, and the youth will converge in numbers at Kamhlushwa,” he said. He said the opinion of Nxumalo on the gathering does not matter that much, as the people who matter are confirming that they are coming and the numbers are great.


“After November 2, our country shall never be the same again. There is power in prayer. This shall be a monumental and historic day,” he said. When he announced the event in July, Simelane said it was all about uniting all emaSwati who want democratic change since they cannot be allowed to gather in the Kingdom of Eswatini.He vowed that all talk at the event will be directed to God and that by the end of the year, there will be a huge change in the country. Also, he said his political party will engage certain institutions, one of them being the United States Embassy to enquire about a petition that was delivered over two years ago. He said since the general elections have been concluded in South Africa, SWALIMO will make sure to mobilise the political parties of the neighbouring country in calling for a democratic Eswatini.

Refugee asylum

According to Simelane, an anticipated huge turnout at the upcoming event will convince the people of South Africa that emaSwati want change. It should be noted that early this year, this publication reported that Simelane had been granted a refugee asylum stay in the UK for the next five years.Before that, Simelane fled the country and shared that he was in the UK in a quest to spread the word about the alleged human rights violations in Eswatini.

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