MBABANE – With the surge in armed robberies, house breaking and theft, a Rolex watch worth E150 000 has been stolen at Woodlands in Mbabane.
The Rolex watch, valued at E150 000, was stolen along with a Tempo wrist watch valued at E1 000 and a Hisense sound bar worth E3 000. Rolex is a luxury brand of wristwatches with varying amounts. The items, according to a source, were stolen after the thieving suspect(s) gained access into the premises through a window. In total, the suspect(s) got away with items valued at E154 000 with the replica Rolex wrist watch the most valuable. The items belong to a 37-year-old woman of Mbabane. In another theft incident, a former Cabinet minister on Monday, discovered that property valued at E26 500 was stolen from his home.
Also, a man at Zakhele was robbed of his property valued at E44 100 by three unknown men weilding a short spear at Matsapha Industrial Site, while in an incident of house breaking and theft, a man at Masundvwini discovered that his house had been broken into through the door and property valued at E42 169 was stolen. These incidents of violence are an addition to armed robberies which have surged in areas closer to the borders with Mozambique. On Saturday, a 54-year-old woman of Nyakatfo reported that on or at around 4pm, she was robbed of money at gunpoint. Nyakatfo is in close proximity to two ports of entry which are Matsamo, located 40 kilometres north from the area and Mananga, located 45 kilometres north-east.
The four armed robbers in the stick-up got away with a sum of E70.
Also, on the same day, another female aged 34 was suspected to have been robbed by the same bandits within the same area. It was gathered that the woman was robbed around 1:30pm and the suspects fled with her Samsung A10F and cash. It was gathered that the cumulative figure for her loss is E2 200. These armed robberies are at the backdrop of two people who lost E56 000 cash and electronics valued at E26 600. The armed robberies occurred at various instances and in two different regions. In the Lubombo Region, last Monday, a male from Mlindazwe was at around 9pm, robbed at gunpoint by four men who were unknown to him. The man was robbed E50 000 cash and electronics valued at E16 100. This tallies his loss to E66 100. Meanwhile, in the Hhohho Region, a woman at Thembelihle was attacked and held hostage by two men who were unknown to her.
The robbers, according to sources, were both armed with handguns and they robbed her E6 000, two cellphones, an iPhone valued at E4 000 and a Nokia worth E500. She was also robbed of her Lenovo laptop valued at E6 000. The robbers further withdrew from her bank account E3 000. Cumulatively, she was robbed items valued at E10 500. On the other hand, a tenant at Mbikwakhe found her house burgled and her E40 000 was stolen. Chief Police Information and Communications Officer Senior Superintendent Phindile Vilakati, said there were no armed robberies that were shocking and depicting that they could be committed by foreigners.
“The robberies we have recorded for now are few and in usual instances where foreigners commit armed robberies, they use assault rifles,” she said. However, Vilakati said the police were encouraging vigilance among the citizenry as there were locals who could take advantage of the situation and commit armed robberies with the comfort that they will not be suspected. She said as per the statement issued by the National Commissioner (NATCOM), Vusi Manoma Masango, they were aware that there could be people taking advantage of the situation.
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