LOZITHA – In a remarkable display of resilience, His Majesty the King, despite battling a sudden illness, rose to the occasion and led the nation in prayer.
His Majesty proclaimed that God is ready to prosper the nation into its promised land. The King’s resourcefulness was tested further when a pastor who ministered before him inadvertently delivered the sermon he had prepared. Undeterred, His Majesty composed a new message on the spot, delivering a moving and concise sermon punctuated with heartfelt verses that left the congregation deeply inspired.
“This is a land of peace and joy, where people worship God and allow Him to prosper in their lives,” declared the King during his sermon, held at Mandvulo Grand Hall during the national prayer event themed: ‘May the Lord Prosper the Nation.’
The service, attended by Her Majesty Indlovukazi, His Majesty’s special guest, former South African President Jacob Zuma, emakhosikati , members of the Royal family, members of parliament and scores of emaSwati, highlighted the King’s unyielding leadership and vision for Eswatini’s future. Despite initially struggling with his voice which he shared was caused by his illness earlier in the morning, the King spoke of prosperity and resonated across the hall.
Some pastors in attendance were overheard marvelling at the King’s eloquence, with some suggesting he should preach every Sunday due to his accurate use of scripture and relatable examples. His Majesty expressed confidence that 2025 would be a year of immense growth and development, signalling a turning point for the country after years of challenges.
He emphasised the importance of prayer and forgiveness as key pillars for the nation to move forward and urged the people to keep their faith, prioritise prayer, and put God first in all things. He read from the book of Joshua 1:1–9, a passage which he said was about stepping into new responsibilities with faith, courage and reliance on God.
His Majesty preached that it teaches that success comes not from our own strength, but from trusting God, obeying His Word and embracing His presence in our lives. This is powerful encouragement to face challenges with confidence, knowing that God is with us and will equip us for the journey ahead.
He also preached that the Bible often encourages believers to trust in God and not be ruled by fear. In 2 Timothy 1:7, it says: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” Also, in Psalm 30:5, it says: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning,” which reminds us that no matter the challenges we face, there is always hope and renewal through God’s grace.
The king also went into the a befitting biblical story found in 2 Kings 8 and 2 Chronicles 21. Jehorah reigned over Judah and did evil in the sight of the Lord, following the ways of Israel’s wicked kings. His reign was marked by battles and the decline of Judah’s influence. He faced rebellion from his own people and eventually died from a painful disease, and his kingdom was taken over by his son.
Then he refered to the story of King Jehoshaphat who was a more faithful king who reigned over Judah and is known for his efforts to restore worship of God. His story can be found in 1 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 17-20. He was a good king who sought God’s guidance in battles, and he allied with a tainted King, Ahab of Israel, for a military campaign, but later turned to God in times of trouble. One of the famous events of his reign is when he faced an overwhelming army, but God delivered Judah from its enemies in a miraculous way.
He said the country should look to the lord for a similar deliverance, which he said through faith, knowing that even through difficult times, God’s presence brings peace, strength and eventual joy. He then called on the nation to use strategy or a plan for every situation. He said there was no better plan or strategy than a strategy that placed God in the middle.
The king then said he was grateful that his guest Zuma had asked for prayer for his country or home land. “Such prayer events should not be limited to Mandvulo hall but should be taken to the whole country and neighbouring countries,” he said. The king then delved on the biblical story Jehoshaphat and the Levites found in 2 Chronicles 17-20. Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, worked to strengthen both the spiritual and military standing of his kingdom. His reign was characterised by his faithfulness to God and his efforts to restore proper worship.
Here are some key moments in the story of Jehoshaphat and the Levites:
Spiritual reforms: King Jehoshaphat took steps to bring Judah back to the worship of the true God. He removed high places and Asherah poles (pagan idols), and he appointed judges throughout Judah to ensure justice. He also sent Levites, along with priests and other leaders, to teach the people of Judah about God’s laws.
Teaching the people: Jehoshaphat sent out Levites and priests to the cities of Judah with the Book of the Law to educate the people and lead them in the worship of God. This was a significant spiritual reform, as the Levites played a central role in instructing the people in God’s commandments.
The importance of worship and the word of God: The Levites played a crucial role in teaching the people and leading them in worship. They were not only religious leaders, but also helped guide the king and the people in seeking God’s will.
Jehoshaphat’s faith: Jehoshaphat trusted God and involved the Levites and the people in seeking God’s guidance, and in turn, God delivered Judah from their enemies.
The king said the Levites’ role in this narrative shows how God can use the faithful to guide and inspire His people, both in peace and in times of battle.
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