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MPs blast Housing Minister

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LOBAMBA- Members of Parliament have blasted the Minister of Housing and Urban Development Lindiwe Dlamini for failing to utilise the budget granted to her ministry.

This was yesterday during the debate of the ministry’s first quarter report by the portfolio committee.

The MPs argued that given the country’s economic status and the critical services that the ministry is supposed to deliver to the public, it was not good for it to underspend it first quarter bud-get.

One such essential service is under the Fire and Emergency Department. The department was granted E20 million to purchase equipment and specialised vehicles but the budget has still not been used.

Hhukwini MP Mkhululi Dlamini said the report tabled to Parliament was contradictory of the ministry’s mission state- ment.

Part of the mission statement reads, "To drive economic growth and improve people’s lives through aggressive and responsive housing and service delivery systems while providing fire protection and safe environment."

"The results differ from the mission statement. The minister is not aggressive at all considering the work done," said Dlamini.

He added, "Achievements are based on results and the minister’s report only shows activities undertaken. Yes, there are accruals but the ministry must try to work despite the problems it is facing.

"The ministry must push the Ministry of Public Works to purchase the equipment," added MP Thuli Dladla.

The minister representing Ndumiso Mamba said responses to the MPs questions would be prepared and later submitted to the portfolio committee.

Central Bank will help recover council’s E11.5m

LOBAMBA- The Manzini City Council is soliciting the assistance of the Central Bank of Swaziland to recover E11.5 million it lost in an investment that went wrong.

This is contained in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development first quarter report for the financial year 2010/ 2011.

This follows the recent dissolution of the municipal council by Minister Lindiwe Dlamini. An interim council has been appointed to run the business of the town for one year while preparations are being put in place for the election of a new council.

"The bank has since informed Manzini that it was currently working with liquidators and curators in South Africa who have assured that the money will be recovered even if it takes a while. The money will be returned through the Central Bank of Swaziland," states the report.

‘Who cleared Gideon?’

LOBAMBA- Mkhiweni Member of Parliament Rodgers Mamba wonders who cleared the employment of Gideon Mhlongo to return as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mbabane City Council.

He asked this yesterday during a debate of the first quarter report of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.

Mamba said Mhlongo’s departure from the same position was well publicised and it was controversial. "Who has cleared him now for the minister to endorse him? What will change in bringing him back because he failed previously?" asked Mamba. Minister Ndumiso Mamba who was represen-ting the Housing substantive said written responses to the questions would be tabled to the portfolio committee next week.

Manzini council spends close to E40m on salaries

MBABANE- The Mbabane City Council spends close to E40 million in the payment of salaries.

The total amount budgeted for payment of salaries for the financial year 2010/2011 is E35 818 000 million.

For the first quarter of the financial year, April to June 2010, the council spent over E7 million on salaries.

This is according to the first quarter report by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, which was debated in Parliament yesterday.

The report states that a restructuring programme is being considered as an option in order to reduce costs of running the city.

"Council continues to pursue its restructuring programme.

"This is aimed at reducing the operation costs in the city," states the report.

It, however, adds that such an exercise is hampered by the lack of funds.

The city is also exploring other avenues of improving its credit rating.

"Activities under this programme will include the reduction of council’s running costs and improvement of efficiency of service delivery within the local authority," reads the report.

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