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Dad brutally whips son, arrested

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PIGG’S PEAK – An eight-year-old boy has been left scared by his father after a thorough bashing.

The father, Mcebo Shongwe, who is a principal at LuHhumaneni Primary School and a pastor in one of the local churches has since been arrested and charged with assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

He used a cable cord on the boy. Shongwe took his son to Nginamadvolo Mountains where he severely assaulted him all over the body.

Yesterday he appeared before Pigg’s Peak Magistrate Ndumiso Shongwe, where he pleaded guilty to assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

In his statement, Shongwe told the court that he assaulted his son because he had developed a tendency of not sleeping at home.

The boy stays with his father and stepmother.

Shongwe said as a parent, he felt it was his responsibility to chastise the child for his wayward behaviour.

He said his intention was not to injure the boy, but discipline him as he had begun sleeping in the bushes with no explanation.

"Your worship, I tried to ask him why he was not sleeping at home and the reason he forwarded was that after school he plays with his friends, only to find that when its time to go home, there is no transport," he said.

Prosecutor Ncamisile Masuku, however, told the court that the information they had gathered was to the effect that the child decided not to sleep at home because he was allegedly physically abused by his stepmother.


She also stated that the accused was being economical with the truth when he told the court that he assaulted the child next to the Correctional Services building as their investigations revealed that the child was taken to a mountain where he was thoroughly beaten.

"Your worship, we also gathered that the child managed to escape and the matter was reported to the police. As the head of the home, the accused was supposed to try and ascertain from the child what really led him to always sleep in the forest," she said

The matter was reported to the police by the biological child’s mother.

...boy escaped from the jaws of a lion - magistrate

PIGG’S PEAK – Magistrate Ndumiso Shongwe, who was presiding over the matter, said from the pictures that were submitted as evidence, it was clear that the child escaped from the jaws of a lion.

"It is said pictures do not lie. From the evidence that has been produced before this court it is clear that the child escaped from the jaws of a lion," he said.

The magistrate made this observation before sentencing the principal to two years imprisonment with the option of E2 000 fine.

He also stated that this was a clear case of child abuse, which is the duty of the court to put an end to. The judicial officer said although it was the duty of a parent to discipline a child, it should have limits.

He added that it was salutary that the mother of the child acted swiftly by reporting this case to the police.

Meanwhile, the boy’s biological mother attempted to withdraw the charges against the principal.

This, however, did not happen as the case was eventually heard and concluded yesterday.



Uyabo lentfo leyentiwe ngu this man lenitsi ungu patsor, I don’t think kutsi he is a pastor ngatsi niyamcala, pastor angeke sekakwente loku & to worsen matters nitsi lesigebengu lesicishe sabulala umntfwana uyati educated people bane pride abafuni nje kuhamba bavelavele etintfweni letingasikahle, he must stay in prison aze afe, nalomfatana wakhe lamtsetse akanongcondvo nje & seemingly she is the source, ncesi shem make wemntwana nganamajabhane lakafuna kukubulalela umntfwanakho!
Aug 19, 2010, 8:15 AM, tsidi

Why didn’t this pastor take the kid for prayer on the mountain not 2 do such
Aug 19, 2010, 7:27 AM, Vukani (Vukanimbonani@yahoo.com)

Labazalwane laba! They got one thing common, tihlitiyo tabo timbhi!! It seems he was crucifying the young MP. Shem!!! He was not supposed to be given a bail at all.

This is pathetic. He must be locked up period. What kind of a pastor is this; he's a disgrace to his congregation and the nation at large. This is a clear case of a man who is a slave selutsandvo lolungakabusiseki. Lomfatana wakhe akamboni kutsi nguye lona lonemoya lomubi kulelakhaya. A harsher sentence should have been meted out to this so called pastor, ulihlazo eveni lonkhana.
Aug 19, 2010, 8:47 AM, Mduduzi (ingconyela@yahoo.com)

Yenebakitsi washonaphi nembheza kubomake. If the stepmother akamhlukubeti lomtfwana ngabe akunje. Look now, is she happy to see this young boy suffering. To the mother of the boy pray to God, He will answer to your prayers. Take your child and umkhulise wena. To all mothers take care of your children and what you should know is that it is hard to take care of someone 's child, so yekelani kunika banftwabenu timpisi ngoba titobabulala nikhona.
Aug 19, 2010, 8:54 AM, Hloby (hlobsilemasuku@yahoo.com)

This world is unfair, does this man deserve such a small sentence compared to the life damaging effects on the boy. Anyway we are in this cruel world and next step thing will be that this animal will continue being the school principal and the pastor. Utotsela lama dimoni ema spirits to the little children. Kubi
Aug 19, 2010, 9:00 AM, anthony dlamini

Legal processes must be immediately instituted, the child must sue his father for damages, pain and brutalization compensation must be instituted by the child. We have seen children sue their parents elsewhere on the globe, this must be done in SD to serve as a warning and deterrent to would-be monsters like this one. This is brutality of the highest order; the scars are not just the physical ones, which may never heal by the way. I still have scars from the brutality of my father inflicted on me in the early 70's. This monster must pay for each scar at the rate of E1 million each, if there are 8 then he must pay E8 million then he will know! I repeat, the mother must sue this man, I said sue this monster. If he wanted a fight he should have tried someone his own size and not vent his cowardice out on the innocent, defenseless child. Aniyitsengi, but I am a socially responsible individual who is driven my morality to defend the defenseless, ngci! Each time I see the picture my stomach churns!
Aug 19, 2010, 9:20 AM, HhayiHhayi!! (comfort.mathonsi@hotmail.com)

Child abuse is an increasing trend in the country. The man who calls himself as a pastor was wrong to beat his child. I think the fines of people who abuse their children should increase. This is what we expect kubo pastor if not abuse, is having sex with church members.
Aug 19, 2010, 9:45 AM, mancele (lerry@mailfly.com)

Yati bafati you are heartless senaba nge ma con artists. Emendvweni senatsi gubhela kwe sakhe. What man can do this to his own son? Ncesi mfana wami, makwakho akakutsatse umane uyondzindza naye akukhiphe lasigodlweni sakasathane.
Aug 19, 2010, 10:14 AM, siphesihle n dube (dubesiphesihle@yahoo.com)

Did you say this man is a pastor? Cha I think he is not a God serving one, maybe ngulaba lokufanele bakhokhe umtselo nje. Those in business churches.
Aug 19, 2010, 10:28 AM, nombusovee

It is so sad to know that a person who calls himself a parent, a father and leader of education and religion institutions would do this. What do we learn from this? Since the young man can not say anything to the step mother or the father...he resorted to sleeping in the bushes. I would not think that this young man would resort to sleeping in the bushes if there was nothing wrong at home. But sadly the sentence was small...we implore the social services department of the government to look into taking the young man away from this predator who wants to please his so called wife at the expense of the young man...this is sad indeed...how do we trust that he does not do the same thing to the pupils at school...if this young man is a citizen and a human being...then his Government must do something...
Aug 19, 2010, 10:29 AM, Zwide kaLanga

Hawu yenabakitsi!! Koja lendvodza im'bulalelani lomntfwana? Bekufanele kutsi abanjwe losathane bese ubhacabulwa ngemvubu kuze atokuva kutsi kunjani kushaywa ngalendlela...hhayi live lakitsi lonakele!
Aug 19, 2010, 10:29 AM, Myalo Dlamini (Durban)

This is pathetic! Kunokwenteka loPastor unestress bazalwane abanikeli kahle enkonzweni sewukhiphela kulomtfwana. I think there is also turmoil in the house, Make-Mkhokheli utsi usatihamba nje tinkonzo tangaLwesine, ngibona kwangatsi uswela tifundvo. Make wemntfwana tsatsa umntfwanakho uhlale naye, sonkhe siwa siyavuka nebantfwana betfu.
Aug 19, 2010, 11:08 AM, Brenda (brenda995@webmail.co.za)

Bobabe should learn to find out the gist of the problem. Lomntfwana abengacali kulala esigangeni then why didn’t he talk to the child as a priest njengebantfu labanta i counseling. Yena lomake inhlitiyo uhle ayibekaphi? Akahelwa??
Aug 19, 2010, 12:13 pm, ntlantla (ntlantla_m@yahoo.com)

Hhawu! You say this man is a pastor, how can a man of God do such an abusive punishment to his own child. I wonder if his bible declares that a parent should beat a child up to that point. I think this man must go for counseling so that can learn how to treat a wife and children equally in order to create peace at home. The court did him a favour; he was supposed to be arrested for 2 years without a fine option. Kahleni bakwethu ukubulala izingane zenu because, a child is a blessing from God and must receive good care from the parents
Aug 19, 2010, 12:12 PM, Tonic Dlamini (sanele.sanzadlamini.dlamini4@gmaail.com)

I feel sorry for the child maybe lo babe is demon possessed. Where is God now? What is the stepmom saying (dad is always right)
Aug 19, 2010, 1:03 pm, mvila sihle (mvilasihle@yahoo.com)

Kukhona kushaya umntfwana but hhayi loku lokwentiwe ngulendvodza le, anyway ngu Pastor angetfuki mine, Mehlwengwababane ngalesento lesi ngoba nguPastor. Kodwa-ke bekunene sikhatsi sekushaya untfwana ngalendlela sesengca, umntfwana sewuyamkhulumisa uma ente intfo lembi. This is 2010 not 1900.
Aug 19, 2010, 1:04 pm, Mehlwengwadla Nkonyane---Mafikeng 2735 (mduduzi78@yahoo.com)

Ohh my days, this is disgustingly vile. What kind of creature is he? A monster for sure...poor boy shem, uyabona sonkhe sashaywa batali betfu but loku, it’s beyond punishment. This man and his so called wife should both rot in prison. The judge should rethink the fine please. Hhawu live lakitsi bo! What are people turning to? This boy wouldn’t b sleeping in bushes if all was well @ home. Make wafana, take your child and run a mile from this family of Satan.
Aug 19, 2010, 1:12 PM, bawelile dlamini (bawe)

There are so many kids who go through this on a daily basis and nobody hears them out or cares about them. I grew up in rural Swaziland, my 'dad' was as brutal as this man you call pastor here. His wives wanted me dead. For four years I slept edladleni which didn’t even have a door. He never called me by my name, he would whistle and I would know I was being called. I responded together with dogs. My body has scars; some have healed, from his beatings. He eventually kicked me out of his house and that was my emancipation from his brutality. Today, he has nothing and he calls me his son. He is dying to have me back (from what I am told). He was a cruel man just like the pastor in this story. School children including teachers ridiculed me for the sores and the skinny body I spotted. I only had one true friend who cared for me. I expect the social organisations to address this at length because I tell you, there are many more kids who go through this, some even die.
Aug 19, 2010, 1:14 PM, Keleli (phehello.mkhabela@yahoo.com)

Its disgusting what some people can do to their own children all in the false name of discipline. This is abuse!!! I do believe in discipline but this despicable act against this child is way out of line. It's a wonder some people grow up to be women beaters and violent criminals; when they're conditioned in violence like this.
Aug 19, 2010, 1:49 pm, bewildered reader

Let him rot in jail... E2000 is an insult to me. Let him pay for plastic surgery
Aug 19, 2010, 1:50 pm, not important (mbanzeni@yahoo.com)

Lobabe does not deserve to be called BABE. The justice system/court has failed the little boy by giving the "man" an option to a fine. Phela this is child abuse. I also doubt that the ''father" is a Christian!
Aug 19, 2010, 2:52 PM, ELIAS (chipoka@webmail.co.za)


Cha lomfokati unesibindzi akusiye umunftu silwane lucobo lwaso, ncesi make wemnftwana . ngiyafisa kwati kutsi bona labanftwana labafundzisako baphephe kanganani emnftwini longenaluvelo engatini yakhe .
Aug 19, 2010, 4:14 pm, Fezile Zwa Sibandze

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