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Seven pupils caught having sex at school

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NDZINGENI – Seven Form IV pupils of Ndzingeni High School in northern Hhohho have been caught drunk and having sex at the school.

This was disclosed by the principal of the school Gladness Nkambule during a speech and prize-giving day held on Friday. She also disclosed that this group of pupils has been caught several times and is problematic. Nkambule also disclosed that the most recent incident occurred during a school’s trip to South Africa where the same pupils were caught having sex and drinking alcohol.

"This year we had serious disciplinary cases starting from the use intoxicants and love affairs from the same pupils.

"It was not love affairs but literally engaging in some behaviour better left to adults. It becomes a problem when we do not get the support we need from the relevant offices," she said.

She also disclosed that reporting such as per the procedure made her see the wrath of the relevant authorities. She said this would result in the whole school being polluted.

"Ndzingeni High School is wrongly quoted from every corner yet we try to follow the laid down procedures," she said.

She also said the school started with 544 pupils and 13 dropped out due to various reasons including pregnancy.

The principal said only four cases of pregnancies have been confirmed.

"We always encourage our pupils to excel academically, but we get negative responses from them as they seem to be demotivated.

" To this I appeal to all the parents to try and encourage their children to appreciate learning because without education life is difficult," she said.

‘Missing’ pupil stays with man

PIGG’S PEAK – A Form I pupil of Ndzingeni High School who was reported missing at school and at her parental homestead has been discovered to be staying with an old man who is employed in one of the company’s dealing with forests.

This was disclosed by the principal of the school during a speech and prize giving day held on Friday.

She told the close 200 parents that she was shocked upon investigation to discover that the 16- year old pupil was staying with an old man.


She said she decided to investigate after the parents came to her to re- port that the minor was missing at school.

"Upon conducting the investigations I discovered that the pupil was now staying with an old man and I was very shocked," she said.

SwaziBank MD urges pupils to make the right choices

NDZINGENI- The SwaziBank Managing Director Stanley Matsebula has urged the pupils to make right choices in life.

"The choice of who to father or mother your children should count as one of the most important decisions in your life. You would not like to kiss toads in your life," he said.

He also urged the pupils to stop worrying about what they do not have. He further told the pupils that even the bible encourages people to always think positively.

He quoted a verse in Philip 4:8 which says, ‘Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable think about such things’.

Church hall for exams

NDZINGENI - Principal of the school Gladness Nkambule says the school is faced with many challenges.

She said some of the challenges include the unavailability of teachers’ houses.

"There are 33 teachers and less than a half of them are housed at the school and are sharing which is not healthy. I am appealing to the business community as well as former pupils to lend a helping hand," she said.

She said there is an urgent need for a school hall as they do not have a place to hold morning assembly and a place to write examinations. "We have been using the church hall when writing examinations," she said.

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