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Serial rapist gets 40 years no fine

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SITEKI - A serial rapist who raped three women in two days at Sithobelweni last year has been sentenced to 40 years imprisonment without an option of a fine.

Mandla Thulani Makhanya, 30, was sentenced by Lubombo Principal Magistrate Florence Msibi yesterday morning. Makhanya was facing three counts of rape with aggravating factors and a count of robbery and theft.

“You need to start respecting women and stop treating them as sex objects. There is really something wrong with you and that can only be corrected by sending you to a correctional facility where you will be kept away from society,” the magistrate remarked shortly before passing sentence.

Lubombo Senior Prosecutor Mbutfo Mbingo had pointed out that the accused exhibited a high degree of brutality by raping two of the survivors in front of their siblings.

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