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Prince Guduza lashes out at cabinet

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LOBAMBA - One could hear a pin drop as Prince Guduza, in his final Parliament address, lashed out at Cabinet stating that “after all, failures have nothing much to offer, but noise.” 

The prince, at the end of the business on the Order Paper informed MPs that it was only proper that he make his final address and he read it out in English. 

He said he had wished that the goodwill of Parliament had been left intact, but following the security incident last month where the police raided parliament with some form of court order such an incident “eroded the sacred character and sanctity of Parliament.”
He said the action left a bitter taste in their mouths.


“We can only hope that will never happen again that one arm of Government will use its unlegislated power over the other or rather have two arms of government colluding against one, in ultra vires fashion,” he said.
Ultra vires means ‘beyond one’s legal power or authority’.
The raid occurred during the arrest of Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Chairman Marwick Khumalo and Treasurer Senator Bhutana Dlamini for an alleged E5m mismanagement of the Swaziland Branch funds.

The Speaker said the bond between the media and Parliament was imperative in any democracy and he commended the media for adding value to the information partnership.
“Nevertheless, we cannot turn a blind eye to the silent ban imposed on Members of Parliament in the government controlled media and the unsurpassed cen-sorship,” he said.

He said such an act had militated against the spirit of the system of governance, Tinkhundla and deserved no emulation by any successive government.


He said a classic example of Parliament and the media working together in the interest of the electorate was the recent expose of the rotten beans meant for the underprivileged and needy.
“Hollow and senseless explanations given were not convincing enough to outweigh the negligent and reckless action of government,” he said.

The presiding officer said the media was first to place the issue of the Land Grab saga by Cabinet ministers in the public domain.
“Exercising its oversight role on the Executive, the House of Assembly pounced on the matter and the illegal apportionment of crown land was aborted,” he said.


He said the same applied for the illegal transaction that saw government purchasing a piece of land for E31 million without Parliament’s approval.
He said no action had been taken against those involved but hoped that the next government would take some action.
He said after the illegal discovery the House resolved that the transaction should be nullified and that the public funds should be repaid back to the consolidated fund.
“Regrettably, the illegal usage of public funds without Parliament’s approval seems to continue unabated,” said the Speaker.

The Speaker went on to state that in some cases, the funds had been used to award those who were friends and allies of government and to punish by overlooking those in the enemy camp.


He assured MPs that for those of them who had walked in the corridors of Parliament a little longer, he envied the commitment to national service, dedication to duty and unwavering loyalty to the country.

“Desperate and ill-conceived attempts or efforts aimed at undermining the excellent work you have done for your King and country, should be treated with the contempt they deserve. After all, failures have nothing much to offer, but noise,” said the prince.


Comments (5 posted):

Tanele on 01/08/2013 08:54:48
At least you have said something positive and the truth Prince Guduza and it is the sign of loving the nation
Mfanawakhe on 01/08/2013 09:20:52
I agree with Prince Guduza. They tried their best but it seems the Executive helped by another arm of government were out for blood after the vote of no confidence was passed. MP's did their best in parliament but were always out-smarted by Cabinet. I don't mean to say MP's "tidvomu" that deserve "sipakatane" or anything like that but it is words like "sintjempeza" which sent chills down the MP's spines and caused them to abandon everything out of fear of those with a monopoly on intelligence. We are happy that this "kindergatten" spectacle is over and we thank "the Bantustan professor", yes the respected princely prince known as Logcogco, who did everything to speak sense to a senseless situation. His efforts and wise words of counsel will always be remembered. Thank you Nkhosi. We need men like you even if you suffered the pain of sintjempeza yourself. To us you still the bigger man even without the title. Things would have been much worse if you didn't speak, I hope you know that. I wish you could run for elections so that we could vote for you in our numbers!!
Mayo Magagula on 01/08/2013 14:50:03
Well said Prince Guduza, but let me tell you something: :"As long as opposition parties are politically, socially and economically marginalized, Swaziland will always be stuck with one arm of Government which abuses its unlegislated power over the other." Only multi-party democracy can stand up to a Prime Minister who has consolidated Tinkhundla into a monolithic system that is diabolical in its detail and inescapable in its reach. Prince Guduza, thank you once more for the courageous stand of outlining government's failures, but the biggest elephant in the room is: "When will we ever be rid of this worst cabinet in our history?" I have even become wary of Sibaya, as it has been reduced to a political joke.
Mthini on 01/08/2013 17:06:45
Prince Guduza and his team did their best under hostile conditions. but they were let down mostly by spineless MP's and a cabinet that holds a monopoly on intelligence. This parliament was the first to have the guts to pass a vote of no confidence on a cabinet obsessed with real estate like crown land and self-interest, never mind that they were made to rescind it later. I didn't see this no vote of confidence in the end of term report by the PM, why? Defying it was an accomplishment for cabinet, was it not?
Lusito Dlamini on 23/04/2014 03:00:42
I want his contacts or his email address please.

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