Home | News | SWSC provide 35 000l of water for Sibaya

SWSC provide 35 000l of water for Sibaya

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LOBAMBA – The Swaziland Water Services Corporation provided over 35 000 litres of water during Sibaya, yesterday.
Five water tanks plus a tanker were placed at strategic areas around the royal residence.

The corporation’s Public Affairs Manager Nomahlubi Matiwane said they had provided five tanks that had storage capacity of 5 000 litres each and a tanker which carried 10 000 litres of water.

“Each time when there is such a function, we make sure there is proper water supply. And also, the water supply must be consistent,” Matiwane said.


Matiwane mentioned that this time around they did not supply bottled water to the nation as they usually do during the annual Reed Dance and Incwala.
Due to the hot weather, many people were seen drinking from the water tanks and tankers.


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