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Unemployment results to unusual measures to make ends meet

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MBABANE – The escalated rate of unemployment merged with the adverse cost of living in the country seems to result to a trend of unorthodox measures of making ends meet.

The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) is no stranger to encountering unprincipled practices by people who claim to be qualified teachers in an endeavour to acquire teaching posts. Nelisiwe Gladness Gama was arrested for an allegedly forging an O’Level certificate which she might have used to be admitted at the University of Swaziland for a Diploma in Primary Education.

  The charge sheet further stipulates that Gama around April 2013 misrepresented  a Primary Teachers Diploma certificate obtained at the University of Swaziland in 2008 which she produced and exhibited when applying for a teaching post as if it was genuine and authentic. 

Following the false presentation of the said certificate, Gama obtained employment at TSC as a teacher and thereby induced the TSC a total of E14 104.84 in salary. 
Appearing before Mbabane Magistrate Ndumiso Shongwe on Thursday for the charges against her, the alleged bogus teacher was admitted to bail fixed at E7 000.  

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