Home | News | Isaac applauds King for upgrading police chief post

Isaac applauds King for upgrading police chief post

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MBABANE – His Majesty King Mswati III has been applauded by the National Commissioner of Police Isaac Magagula for redesigning and upgrading of the Post of Police Commissioner as well as appointing two additional Deputy Commissioners.  

The King announced these developments during the Police Day celebrations held on August 9, 2013 at Matsapha Police College.  
Magagula said redesigning and upgrading of the post of Commissioner of Police to that of National Commissioner of Police is a promotion and the  goal is to match the SADC standard in as far as Commissioners of Police are concerned.

“As a Police Service, we take this opportunity to express profound appreciation to His Majesty for the pronouncements which are a milestone for the growth and development of the police organisation.  
“Accordingly, we humbly pay homage to His Majesty and proclaim Bayethe Wena Waphakathi!”.  


“We also wish to profusely thank His Majesty for the words of wisdom and encouragement he offered to the Police Service at the ceremony.  As police officers we felt re-charged to work with greater enthusiasm, commitment and dedication,” said Magagula.
The King appointed the current Commissioner Isaac Mmemo Magagula to the new title and rank of National Commissioner.  The additional two new Deputy Commissioners are Sijabulisiwe Lydia Dlamini and Nkeshengane William Wayne Dlamini. This brings the number of Deputies of the National Commissioner of Police to four as the two are in addition to two others, Sipho Dlamini and Khisimusi Ndlovu.

Magagula said the changes in the Police Service were part and parcel of the restructuring exercise that the King announced and commissioned during a Police Day Celebration in 2010.
 “The exercise which is ongoing and is being implemented in phases given its extent and scale will upon completion, transform the rank structure and profile of the organisation to be of new look.”

“In its essence, the restructuring seeks to professionalise and modernise the operational and administrative frameworks of the organisation, enhance productivity and efficiency, while also ensuring that command and control structures are at par and aligned with those of other police services/forces within the SADC region and beyond,” he continued.

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