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Reed dance starts August 27

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image Imbali’s Nonduduzo Zubuko (c) making the Umhlanga announcement at Ludzidzini yesterday while Sijabuliso Ndzinisa listens. (Pic: Sisho Magagula)

LUDZIDZINI – His Majesty King Mswati III has summoned the Imbali regiment to the Ludzidzini Royal Residence on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 for the cutting of the reed.

This event precedes the annual Umhlanga Reed Dance which is expected to take place on Monday, September 2, 2013.
This day has also been declared a national holiday.

Indvuna of the Imbali regiment, Nonduduzo Zubuko conveyed His Majesty’s message at Ludzidzini Royal Residence yesterday afternoon.
Zubuko said the maidens would be expected to register the same day and be commissioned by the King the following day, August 28.
They will cut the reed on August 29 and return to Ludzidzini Royal Residence on August 30. August 31 is rest day.

The maidens will deliver the reed at the royal residence on September 1. September 2 is the main day and the maidens will be expected to showcase their dancing skills before Their Majesties and invited guests at the main arena at Ludzidzini.

“Each and every chief is requested to commission four men to accompany Imbali so that should any one of the Imbali feel unwell, two of them can be able to inform the relevant people, even when the Imbali has been admitted to hospital. Chiefs must warn the girls and the men when they commission them from imi-phakatsi. Men and the Imbali should sleep separately,” war-ned Zubuko.

She further warned chiefs against releasing very young girls for this important national assignment because they tend to fail to travel the long distances to cut the sacred reed.

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