Evicted for being gay

EZULWINI – In a first of its kind in the country, two youthful boys have been evicted from Mvutshini for being gay.
The boys, aged 18 and 21 years, have been evicted by the area’s commnuity police after the ‘whistle was blown’ on them by a relative.
News of the evicted boys, whose identities cannot be revealed, have spread like wildfire within the small community situated at the foot of the notorious Malagwane Hill.
The incident happened a month ago but the issue is still being spoken about as if it happened yesterday.
According to an informed source, the boys were pupils in one of the primary schools in the Lubombo region.
They decided to dump school and headed for Mvutshini where they were apparently told that there were many unmarried men.
“They came to Mvutshini after being informed by unknown friends that there were many men without wives in the area. They came here to scout and freely practice their gay lifestyle since Mvutshini is a semi-urban area. Little did they know that their mission would backfire terribly leading to their eviction from the area,” disclosed a source.
The two boys disguised their mission as an innocent one to a relative identified as Gugu Gadlela. Gadlela is an aunt to one of them and she lives in a rented one room flat at Mvutshini.
After staying with the aunt for over two weeks, their cover was blown by neighbours who reported to Gadlela that the boys were proposing love to a number of boys and men in the area.
The aunt is said to have not taken kindly to the boys’ lifetsyle and immediately reported them to the area’s community cops.
A meeting was convened where the boys were called to explain their lifestyle.
They confirmed that they were gay and that is when they were ordered to immediately leave the area.
The reason for evicting them from the area, as confirmed to this publication by their aunt, was that they would perpetrate ‘immoral behaviour’ within the community (batowandzisa umoya lomubi neku-ngcola).
In an interview, Gadlela, confirmed the incident and narrated how the boys came to stay with her.
She said when the boys first arrived; she asked them why they had decided to visit her when schools were opened.
They lied to her and said they had been expelled because they had not paid examination fees but Gadlela said her nephew was paid for by government under the OVC fund.
“Nevertheless, I allowed them to stay with me for a while and look for jobs. I tried helping them find jobs as herdboys. It was not long before rumours started flying around about their lifestyle. One day a neighbour (male) came to my house and enquired about their lifestyle. ‘Hawu ye Gugu kantsi labantfwana bakini banja-ni because one of them is proposing love to me.’ I was stunned”, she said.
She confronted them about their lifestyle and they admitted that they were in fact gay.
“I asked them why they loved males yet they were of the same sex and they told me that’s the way they were ‘born’ (badalwa),” she said.
Angry and stunned, the aunt dialled 999 and talked to the cops.
She told the police that she wanted to report people ‘labangcolile’ in her house and she was seeking advice.
A female police officer who was on the line asked to speak to one of the boys.
“Among several questions, the female officer asked him how he had sexual intercourse with other men and he explicitly narrated their sexual activities,” she said.
Gadlela said she was horrified at hearing this. The boys further told the cops that even if they could be arrested, they would continue with being gay because that’s how they were ‘created’.
By the end of the phone conversation with the police, she was seething with anger. She grabbed a belt and beat the daylights out of them.
She then called the community police who arrived and an impromptu meeting was held.
During the meeting, the community cops demanded to know why she had beaten the boys.
That was when she spilt the beans.
“There were four community police, including bucopho. My problem was that they were dragging my name through the mud by their actions. I was afraid of being labelled all sorts of names in the area and be accused of harbouring gay people in my house. My other problem was that local men would have ended up quarelling with their wives and resorted to being gay because of the boys living under my roof,” she explained.
Gadlela said the community police commended her for a ‘job well done’ and said she had displayed maturity by reporting the boys.
The meeting resolved that the boys should be evicted from the area and never return. “I also begged them to never visit me because batowandzisa umoya lomubi landzaweni,” she said.
Indeed, the following day, the boys packed their bags and left the area.
The incident was also confirmed by at least three community police members, including Lucky ‘Lobhala’ Maseko who said the matter was brought to their attention by a tenant in the area.
Efforts to obtain comment from the ejected gay boys were futile as they are reportedly staying somewhere around Siphofaneni.
I’m here to stay – 39-year-old gay
EZULWINI – Following the eviction of two gay youths from Mvutshini, another self confessed gay man from the same area has vowed not to leave.
Senzo Dlamini, a security guard, said he heard about the eviction of the boys but he was not afraid of suffering the same fate.
The jovial Dlamini said he was a bona fide resident of the area, having been born there 39 years ago and was in no way ready to leave Mvutshini simply because of his sexual preferences.
When specifically asked if he wasn’t afraid of being evicted from the area following recent events, he simply said: “Ngite i-fear yaloko bhuti because ngidaliwe. I’m not forging it. I was 12 years old when I realised I was gay.”
He said despite that many people in the area knew him as being gay, they continued harrassing him.
“When I move around; maybe to the shops to buy bread, they do not insult me but there are a few people who harrass me at night when I am from certain places. ‘Ha nasi lesitabane’ is what they usually say. I’m not, however, intimidated by them because this is who I am,” he said.
Asked how he discovered he was actually gay, Dlamini said he became gay after being sodomised by a Mozambican when he was 12 years old. The Mozam-bican was 20 years at the time and used to stay within the family compound.
He said he had been gay ever since that incident.
Dlamini admitted, however, that had he not been abused by the Mozambican, there are chances he could not have become gay.
... ‘Umoya lomubi not allowed here’
EZULWINI – “Umoya lomubi asiwufuni landzaweni,” simply said one community police member.
He had been asked to explain why the two boys were evicted from the area.
Sicelo Vilane, one of the community police, said the community was increasingly getting worried about growing ‘bad tendencies’ in the area and they, together with responsible residents were on a mission of getting rid of all bad elements.
“Those boys were expelled because of lomoya lomubi which they were practicing. Umoya lomubi awukavu-meleki landzaweni and it is fortunate that their aunt quickly noticed their behaviour and alerted us,” he said.
Throughout the interview, Vilane constantly referred to being gay as ‘umkhuba lo-mubi’. He said the problem was that Mvutshini was a semi-urban area, hence it was prone to all sorts of bad elements. “Maybe we are unlucky; all people with bad tendencies tend to come and rent flats here. They want to pollute our community and we won’t tolerate that,” he said.
Leader of Ezulwini, Chief Sifiso Khumalo says he is not aware that there are people who have been shown the exit door from his area on the basis of being gay.
He noted that the matter was probably deliberated at a lower level and was still going to be reported to him. “I’m reluctant to comment because I’m not aware of it. I will make a follow up to find out if something of this nature did happen,” he said.
Khumalo was quick to add that everything was done in accordance with the law in his area.
The chief, himself a veteran lawyer polished by years of courtroom litigation, cited the Constitution. “Our stance in Ezu-lwini is that we follow the law in everything we do. We comply with everything that is in the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land,” he said.
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