Home | News | Ngculwini residents to fast for missing girl (8)

Ngculwini residents to fast for missing girl (8)

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NGCULWINI - The community members of Ngculwini will fast (kuzila) until noon today as per the chief’s request in a bid to find the eight- year-old girl who is missing.

Ngculwini Chief Mgebiseni Dlamini, asked the community members to fast and pray and ask God to help them find Babongiwe Vilakati who went missing on Friday while doing her laundry at Mhlamati River. The chief made this plea during a community meeting held at Ngculwini Royal Kraal yesterday.

“I urge each and every one of you, including those who could not make it to this meeting, to go and fast and pray tomorrow. We have seen that you have supported the Vilakati family physically and we commend you for that but I also urge you  to once again show them your spiritual support by fasting at least up to noon,” the chief pleaded.

He said he was going to ask them to fast for a longer period but could not do that because he was aware that some community members were diabetic and could not afford to spend the whole day without food.

The chief said he was also shocked like every community member by the incident because it was a first of its kind to happen in the community.
He said they usually learn from the media about such incidents but had never experienced it in their community. Furthermore, Chief Mgebiseni said they were aware that such incidents usually happen during elections time and as a community, they will develop plans to either curb or avoid it in the future.

The meeting was attended by about 300 community members and police officers who had been involved in the search for the alleged kidnapper who is suspected to have kidnapped Babongiwe. Information gathered later on the day from reliable sources regarding the disappearance of Babongiwe was that she had still not been found.

Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) Superintendent Wendy Hleta said police were still investigating and searching for the three girls who went missing within a space of five days.

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