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Imbali Foundation gets E22 000 boost

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image Princess Sikhanyiso accepts the donations from Consulars of Malta and Seychelles as presented by Waheeda Mansoor.

LUYENGO – Imbali Foundation got a major boost from the Consuar of Malta and that of Seychelles when they donated money totalling E22 000.

Making the presentaytion was Waheeda Mansoor to the Imbali Foundation patron, Princess Sikhanyiso, yesterday at the Industrial Juvenile School.
“I hereby present two cheques, one from the Consular of Malta and the other from Seychelles,” said Mansoor.

“The first cheque from the Malta Consular is for €1 000 which is equivalent to E12 000 while the other is from Seychelles for US$1 000 which is equivalent to E10 000, she said with the assistance of an interpreter after the sound system had minor sound glitches.


Princess Sikhanyiso who was in the company of Princesses Temashayina and Yendziwe at first toured the Mawelawela Correctional facility. This is where she, together with Princess Temashayina, was presented with maidens’ traditional wear in Umgaco and Ligcebesha. She was also presented with cabbages from the garden project at the facility. The event was also coupled with various activities in dancing acts and choral music among other entertainment.

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