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Mpaka Bio-Gas Project Nears Completion

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image innovative bio gas project being built at Mpaka Refugee Camp is almost complete.

MPAKA - An innovative bio-gas project being built in the Mpaka Refugee Camp is nearing completion.

The project, managed by two young graduates of Waterford Kamhlaba and a colleague from Waterford’s sister school, Atla-ntic College in Wales, combines innovative technology with a viable business plan to create an environmentally friendly source of heat and energy from natural waste.

The international team consists of Daniel Sopdie from Cameroon, Linda Nkosi from Swaziland and Ayesa Kakar from Afghanistan who all study at Wartburg Col-lege in Iowa, USA.  They are being assisted by their Chief Engineer, Professor Christopher Kato, who is a lecturer at Makerere Unive-rsity in Uganda and an expert in the technology.
The system uses the gas produced from human and animal waste to provide cooking fuel for the kitchen which will cater for the four hundred residents of the camp.

The other product of the process is fertiliser which will be used in the gardens. Professor Kato is being assisted by a team of local builders whom the team hope will develop the skills necessary to continue this type of work on both an industrial and domestic scale.
Kakar commented “The technology being used here is not very widespread in Swaziland but once people realise the money that can be saved when using it we hope that the idea will spread.”

Donors to the project include former US President Bill Clinton, Waterford KaMhlaba and The Nathan Kirsh Trust and the unveiling of the project is expe-cted to attract a lot of attention because of the nature and origin of the support.

Sopdie reflected “We would like to thank all of the donors for their support and hope that as many people as possible can join us for the opening on Monday.”
The opening ceremony will take place on Monday 26th of August at 11am at the Mpaka Refugee Camp.


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