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The danger social sites are to children

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(St. Theresa’s High School Pupil)

MBABANE – Esigcaweni High School head teacher Siphasha Dlamini was shocked recently when she saw hard core pornography on the cellphone of her relative’s child who is at primary level.

Dlamini lamented the extreme measures in which pupils are being exposed to pornography and other explicit sites with links to social networks on the internet.

So serious is the damage caused by these sites that they live many scars on the minds of these children that they at times do not heal at all.
Young people have been turned into rapists if not trafficked for sexual exploi-tation by fake friends they accepted on social media. 

“The harm and damage caused to society by social media can never be underes-timated,” said Siphasha Dlamini. “I have a relative’s child who is at primary level. What I saw on his phone is unthinkable in terms of pornography and stuff like that.

“It’s very bad. What our children are exposed to is not good for the country and its future leaders. It’s a crisis to have our children exposed to such explicit context with just a touch of a button at such a tender age,” said Dlamini.
She said pupils were now in high danger of meeting strangers who posed as ‘Facebook’ friends yet were human traffickers.

“As principals, ours is to make sure that education as our core purpose is attained at its best level. Children abuse cell phones especially with the social networks.  It happens that at times while we are teaching a cellphone would ring and that is not acceptable because we want to draw a pupil’s attention as much as we possibly can.


“When the phone rings or a message beeps while in class the child will be distracted, he or she will be curious to know who is calling or sent the message. At that very moment that child’s concentration in class is distur-bed,” said Dlamini.
“Our school Rules and Regulations bars the use of cellphones within the school premises because as teachers we sat down and looked into it because of the aforementioned reasons,” said Dlamini.


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