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Let them fire me - Ndvuna

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MBABANE – “If I am victimised and fired for the truth, so be it. I’d rather leave Parliament alive than in a coffin.”
These were the words of Ndvuna Dlamini, Clerk to Parliament, in reaction to his final warning letter from Gelane Zwane.

Zwane wrote the letter in her capacity as President of Senate and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Service Board.
Dlamini said the warning letter was based on allegations that were untruthful. He said the whole disciplinary procedure initiated against him was a ‘vibration’ of the alleged mafia, characterised by a ‘kangaroo court’ justice system.


The Clerk said he regarded the final warning statement as a confirmation that what he calls the Parliament Mafia wanted to remove him from his post.
He said he was neither surprised nor intimidated by the final waning because a decision was long taken by the ‘Parliament Mafia’ to fire him after he refused to take orders and dance to their music.
He said the intended dismissal was plan A of the mafia programme and plan B was to shoot and execute him the mafia style.
He said the disciplinary action against him was orchestrated because he failed to bend to demands of the mafia.

He reiterated what he said in our last interview where he said he was being victimised for failure to authorise the payment of the ‘E350 per plate correctional services tender’ for the State opening of Parliament.
He insisted that he failed to authorise the payment because there was no order for the procurement of the services.
Dlamini said another source of conflict was his refusal to support the hiring of staff without advertising vacant posts so that deserving candidates could apply.
“They want to fire me for my refusal to frustrate the ongoing audits by the Auditor General. Worse still they wanted me to conceal documents that are likely to be used as evidence in an ongoing investigation,” Dlamini said. 

With regard to the failure to understand and appreciate the challenges of working an arduous clerk job of 24 hours as further evidence that the mafia wanted him to die from heart attack or stress related disease.

“Whilst it is standard practice that officers work from 8 am to 5 pm , they want me to work like a donkey for 24 hours without any rest.”
“Cognisant of the heavy workload of being both Clerk to Parliament and working as Clerk-at-table, it is by God’s grace that I am still healthy and I have never collapsed from fatigue.”

 He said it was quite strange that the issue of a 24-hour shift system that was well known and practised in institutions like hospitals and the police service, among others, could now be opposed when it was now being introduced for the efficient operation of the legislature.


“They just do not care about my health. They want me to work ungodly hours without even going on leave, which they have also refused to grant me.”
He said the PSB was also insensitive that it wanted him to attend board meetings even when he was ill.
Since the beginning of the year, I have not been on leave simply because they want me to collapse.
Gelane Zwane, the Chairperson of the PSB asked not to comment when called about this issue on Friday. She said the board had issued a statement that covered everything pertaining to the issue.


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