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Ntuthuko happy to beat driver

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MANZINI - Minister of Public Works and Transport Ntuthuko Dlamini might have lost during the primary elections but he is over the moon after his votes surpassed those of his driver Timothy Mntshali.

In an interview yesterday, the minister claimed that he had the feeling that he would not make it to the Secondary Elections. He alleged that he saw the attitude from some of his family members and community members that they were bitter about him and he knew that they would not vote for him.

“I went to the primary elections with an open heart and was ready to accept any result. After the results were announced I was so happy to learn my votes were far above than those of Mntshali and Princess Tsadzile’s driver, Mankayane Salelwako. I beat them hands down as I got 144 votes while Mntshali and Salelwako got 44 and 33 votes respectively,” the minister said.

The minister, his driver Mntshali and Princess Tsadzile’s driver Salelwako were nominated for the MP position at LaMgabhi Chiefdom under LaMgabhi Inkhundla.
In a previous interview, the 32-year-old Mntshali said if he could win the elections, he would also employ the minister to be his chauffeur.

In an interview yesterday, Mntshali said he does not care what the minister had said because the bottom line was that they both lost and that was all. He said the number of votes they got do not matter because they were both knocked out of the elections.
“The scores do not matter because we both lost and life goes on,” Mntshali said.

‘... losing brought peace of mind for the first time’

MANZINI - “Losing at the primary elections stage has brought a peace of mind for the first time since I joined politics,” minister Ntuthuko has said.

The Minister of Public Works and Transport said this during an interview yesterday. He claimed that after losing in the primary elections at LaMgabhi Chiefdom, he experienced some change at his home as no one visited him to seek help.

“Almost every morning when I woke up I would find a group of people at my door asking for help and when I ignored them, I would receive weird calls asking me why I ignored so and so. Since my defeat on Saturday, no one came to my home asking for help and that was a relief to me.

However, I am deeply hurt by rumours doing the rounds because what the people are saying is not a true reflection of me but that cannot take the fact that  ngitfole kuphumula lengingazange sengikutfole emphi-lweni yami (I have received a peace of mind that I have never experienced in my life),” said the minister.

He said not being an MP in the next term would help him focus on his studies as he was currently enrolled at the University of Swaziland as a Law student. He said he would also have enough time to focus on his businesses among other things.

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