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MBABANE – ACC boss Advocate Thanda Mngwengwe is opposing the application by the woman who has taken him to court over the paternity of a child.
ACC is the Anti Corruption Commission.

Mngwengwe has since filed a notice of intention to oppose the application at the High Court and he is represented by lawyers from Dunseith Attorneys in Mbabane. His reasons for opposing the application to conduct a second paternity test will be outlined in his opposing papers which his lawyers are yet to file at the High Court.
The matter will be heard at the High Court this coming Friday.

Nomfundo Sibandze, who is a student in one of the learning institutions in the country, is seeking an order compelling the former boss of the now defunct Scorpions in South Africa to undergo a second paternity test at her instance and in a clinic convenient to all parties.
She alleges that Mngwengwe impregnated her and also tampered with the process of a DNA test that was done at Lancet Laboratories in Manzini to determine whether he was the  father of the child or not.
Lancet Laboratories (Manzini) has been cited as the second respondent in this matter. She said the paternity results of the test which was conducted at Mngwengwe’s instance on August 9, 2012 reflected a probability of paternity 0.000 per cent thus he was excluded from being the biological father of the minor in issue.

“I humbly state that, I was not happy with the results as I honestly and from the bottom of my heart knew that I had not been in any other intimate relationship besides him, hence I enquired from Doctor C. Tsilimigres who analysed the sample, “stated Sibandze in her application. She alleges that there were a lot of anomalies during the first paternity test.

In her application the woman further alleges that she only learnt in the local newspapers that the man who allegedly she had known as Thanda Maseko was in fact Thanda Mngwengwe.
These are allegation contained in an affidavit whose veracity is still to be tested in court and Mngwengwe is yet to file his papers. Sibandze submitted that she suspects that what happened on the day (during the paternity test at Lancet Laboratories) was for a specific reason as she believed that Mngwengwe, with the help of a nurse, extracted blood from the child secretly.
Sibandze said she reasonably suspectsed that the sample that might have been used for the testing does not include that of Mngwengwe but his cousin or her’s and that of the child only.

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