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LOBAMBA – The budget for the three national security forces put together for the 2014/15 financial year stands at around E1.9 billion.

According to the Appropriation Bill of 2014, the Royal Swaziland Police (RSP) budget is E725 117 000, Correctional Services E356 041 000 and the army E828 885 000.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Chief Mgwagwa Gamedze, whom under his portfolio the Ministry of National Defence and Security falls, startled Members of Parliament (MPs) with the staggering budget request of E828 million for the army.

The minister was delivering his preamble in Senate before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee of the Defence Ministry yesterday. He said the ministry needed the money for the improvement of the military staff in carrying out its mandate of defending and protecting the sovereignty and integrity of the Kingdom. He said there were other activities billed to drive the army towards self sufficiency in food production, further military training, maintenance of equipment and structures, just to name a few.

Gamedze further justified the need to spend more on the military, saying it needed to be kept sharp at all times through training programmes, even outside the country. He clarified that Swaziland did not need an army just for war purposes but for the protection of the nation.
“We may also be called upon to contribute in some peacekeeping missions in other countries. We are not living in isolation as a country. In some countries, the defence budget is a no go area, but in Swaziland its open because the nation is told why the money is needed,” he explained.  

The minister stated that the performance of almost all the departments and the overall ministry, in particular, were negatively affected by the prevailing economic challenges. There were more challenges than achievements as a result of budget cuts and under releases.

Gamedze said the ministry was forced to intensify its operations in the course of the current financial year due to the recent national elections. He said the ministry will continue to intensify its operations at border patrols in the drive to assist in proper declaration of goods at border gates to increase revenue collection for the country.
After the conclusion of the portfolio committee debate in Parliament, the E828m budget was approved without delay. 


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