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LOBAMBA - Lobamba Lomdzala MP Marwick Khumalo has questioned who audits the Auditor General’s (AG) office. Khumalo, who is Chairperson of the Finance Portfolio Committee, told Minister of Finance Martin Dlamini that the AG or her office was supposed to work beyond reproach. However, he said he was concerned about reports of all the things that were happening in that office.

He said the AG seemingly audited everyone, but was herself or her office not audited.
Khumalo, who was speaking during the debate of the ministry’s performance report for the financial year 2013/2014, said in 10 years the office had not been audited. “The most senior person in that office, it has been alleged, crashed a government vehicle  while travelling in Botswana and it turns out the car was allegedly being driven by a special friend (singani),” alleged Khumalo.

He informed the Finance minister that the car was allegedly also taken for fixing to a bush mechanic.
“Many officers have been disciplined for this, but not this one because kunenkhomo yemadloti lengatsintfwa, lengashaywa,” said Khumalo. He further alleged that there were other accusations levelled against the AG that she had let her children illegally stay in a government house.

During the previous Parliament Members of Parliament had set up a committee to investigate the allegations against the AG, however, the Prime Minister Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini said the AG was constitutionally appointed and there were ways to discipline or investigate her, telling the MPs to leave her to continue with other audits.

Khumalo further informed the Finance minister that there was also alleged rife nepotism at the AG’s office, especially with the latest promotions. “Who really audits the AG, because it has been said she shouldn’t be touched because she is auditing certain units,” said Khumalo. He wondered why the Swaziland Revenue Authority (SRA) was also audited by the AG’s office when it had such complex ways of finances.

“SRA is a giant, why is it audited by the AG’s office when other parastatals are audited by independent auditors such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and KPMG for example?” wondered Khumalo. The minister is expected to submit written responses on Monday.


Comments (3 posted):

Manje on 07/03/2014 12:37:22
These are valid questions from the MP. If there are allegations against the AG the same laws must apply to her and she should clear her name. I hope the insinuation that she enjoys the protection of the PM is only an allegation and nothing more. SRA must be independently audited too. It shouldn't be by the AG because we hear that there are some companies of powerful politicians who don't pay tax!!
Smanga on 07/03/2014 16:09:48
The AG must be audited
Mangcwangu on 07/03/2014 18:37:04
You are absolutely correct Musawankonophondo, even if the AG is constitutionally appointed there has to be an independent instrument/auditor to audit this office, infact it should be the Parliament of the day that should make an audit to the Office of Auditor General.
Having said so it would have been so sweet kube the beans umusawa Nkomnopondo is spilling raised by any other MP in the House hayi yena as we know that he has some issues with the AG. Nyalo some would say Marwick is saying so because the AG scandalized him in the misappropriated PAP/Commonwealth Parliamentary Association funds.

Labanye batawutsi he is not objective nakakhuluma tindzaba letitsintsa the office of AG.
Lenkhomo yemandloti lengabulawa futsi lengashaywa will be immuned for how long.Ngehlanye sikhuluma nge 21st world Status ebe sehlukeka ku adhere to is the core principles of democracy and good governance-accountability, transparancy, freedom of Speech, independence of the press and above all the rule of law we will never attain such status.
kukhona nje umuntfu longanika singani sakhe a government vehicle kutsi ayishayele bese uyayishayisisa evakwaloko, kuchamuke lomunye atsi that person is immuned and should not be investigated. Ngunsangano lona

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