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MBABANE – The police officer who shot his wife for an alleged infidelity is said to have told his parents that he found her in their house with a white man.

The late Susan Thwala who was a private secretary of former Cabinet Minister Lutfo Dlamini was allegedly killed by her husband Eric Sipho Thwala nine years ago.

This was revealed by Daniel Khulumani Thwala, the biological father of the accused.
The law enforcer is alleged to have shot his wife Susan after accusing her of cheating on him with another man on March 9, 2005 at Nhlambeni in the Manzini region.

His trial yesterday resumed at the High Court before Judge Mpendulo Simelane and he is pleading not guilty to the charge of murder.
His plea of not guilty was also confirmed by his lawyer Ben J Simelane.

Eric’s father, Daniel who is one of the 11 State witnesses, told the court that on the day in question he was at his home at Lavundlamanti when his son (accused) arrived at midnight.
“When he arrived he was carrying a bag and crying hysterically and it was upon asking him what had happened that he related to me and his mother LaHlatjwako that he had killed his wife Susan.

“He told us that he found his wife with a white man inside his house and he shot her. 
“My son further narrated that the white man, however, overpowered him and escaped,” Daniel alleged.
He told the court that his son then emptied the contents of the bag he was carrying and there were two pistols and a number of live rounds of ammunition.

Daniel further submitted that his son told him that after he (accused) found his wife with the white man he tried to reason with her but she would hear none of it and that was when he fired a shot at her.
“He further narrated to me that the white man he found inside their house with his wife escaped.

“I then called his three brothers and we agreed that the matter should be reported to the police,” Daniel stated.
He told the court that they then drove to Sigodvweni Police Station where they surrendered the accused to the police. 
The father said at the police station they were taken to separate rooms where they were each asked by different police officers to narrate what had happened.

“My son was then taken to a holding cell and we left the police station.
“The bag which was carrying the two firearms and the rounds of ammunition was also taken by the police,” Daniel said.
He said after the incident, they went to report to the deceased’s family in Siteki but they were not welcomed. He alleged that at the deceased’s homestead they found a group of people who threatened to assault them.

The case continues at the High Court.
Eric’s case is one of the over 200 matters that were recently recalled by the High Court some of which date back 13 years.
The recalled cases are from 2000 to last year and most of them were allocated dates yesterday.

Comments (3 posted):

gdone on 12/03/2014 10:14:21
Satane wasindza. Wages of sin is death.
angela thwala on 11/04/2014 14:12:06
after so many years my mother died and now old yet painful scares are bring brought back to my mom's family and my siblings and I. I never took my mom's death very easy and I still haven't made peace that my dad is the murderer and my mom the murdered. Am so shocked it is so easy for my grandfather to speak ill of the dead. If only he was there and saw what was happening in my parents house and our presence he would think twice. but justice will prevail and take it's cause, even the bible agrees with me.
angela thwala on 11/04/2014 14:13:21
after so many years my mother died and now old yet painful scares are bring brought back to my mom's family and my siblings and I. I never took my mom's death very easy and I still haven't made peace that my dad is the murderer and my mom the murdered. Am so shocked it is so easy for my grandfather to speak ill of the dead. If only he was there and saw what was happening in my parents house and our presence he would think twice. but justice will prevail and take it's cause, even the bible agrees with me.

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