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MBABANE –Magistrate Siphosini Dlamini has said courts are aware that sick sheets are obtainable from the Mbabane Government Hospital at a fee of about E30 to E50.

Dlamini was speaking in court yesterday during the appearance of three suspects who had been charged with fraud. The trio of Zodwa Lukhele, 45, Thandazile Fakudze, 21, and Thabiso Tsabedze, 37, had been charged with contempt of court after they failed to appear before court on Tuesday and warrants of arrest were issued against them.

Lukhele and Fakudze told the court that they were in hospital on the day they were due to appear before court and produced medical certificates as proof. 
“Courts are aware that at the Mbabane Government Hospital sick notes are available for E30 to E50. One does not even have to be attended to by a medical practitioner to get it. Please show cause why the court should not forfeit your bail and keep you in custody for the duration of the case?” asked the magistrate.

The suspects apologised and asked for leniency from the court. They were found guilty of contempt of court and sentenced to pay a fine of E2 000 per person. However, the sentence was wholly suspended for three years on condition they did not commit a similar offence.
The suspects are presently out on E15 000 bail each.

They paid E3 000 in cash and E12 000 was in the form of surety. They are alleged to have defrauded SwaziBank in 2011 by misrepresenting that a bridging loan of E752 000 that was supported by a fraudulent order purporting to be from Eluvinjelweni Farmers Association for the supply of farming products amounting to E829 349 was genuine.

Meanwhile. about a month ago our sister publication, the Swazi News, ran a story about the ease with which sick sheets were fraudulently obtainable at the Mbabane Government Hospital. The reporter managed to purchase it as proof.

Comments (1 posted):

Sargam Electronics on 14/03/2014 12:29:32
thanks for sharing post..

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