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SITEKI – A woman stabbed another seven times with a kitchen knife following a quarrel over a man at Lubulini on Sunday.

Ntombifuthi Phindile Gamedze, 23, stabbed Sithuli Dlamini, 27, following a short argument which was sparked by Dlamini’s love relationship with Gamedze’s husband, a sugar cane cutter.

A source explained that Gamedze had been away from her marital homestead for a while when she returned last week and discovered women’s clothes inside her bedroom.
It is said Gamedze enquired about the clothes and the husband allegedly confessed that the clothes belonged to one Sithuli Dlamini, 27, a woman he was dating.

The couple is reported to have had a minor argument which was calmed down by the husband’s plea for forgiveness.
While all seemed to have returned to normal, the husband disappeared the following day and when Gamedze called him, he reportedly said he was watching soccer somewhere.

Gamedze is said to have overheard Dlamini’s voice in the background, hence she was convinced they were together.
She, thereafter, confronted Dlamini and demanded to know why she was dating her husband.

A witness said Dlamini was asleep at a certain Mngomezulu homestead when Gamedze arrived and demanded audience with her.
The witness said the two women first exchanged heated words before Gamedze slapped Dlamini in the face.


“Dlamini retaliated by hitting Game-dze with a stone in the face, Gamedze then discharged a kitchen knife and stabbed her in the arm. She (Dlamini) fell to the ground and Gamedze continued stabbing her all over the body,” the witness said.
After the incident, Dlamini reportedly handed herself over to the Lubulini Police and she was subsequently arrested and charged with assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH).

Yesterday morning, she appeared before Magistrate Nonhlanhla Dlamini and pleaded guilty to the charge of GBH.
She told the court she was sorry for having committed the offence adding that she acted out of anger.
The court sentenced her to two years imprisonment with an option of a E2 000 fine.

“Even though you claim to have acted out of anger, the court cannot ignore the fact that you committed a very serious offence. By confronting the complainant you showed that you had the intention to commit the offence,” the magistrate said shortly before passing sentence.

Comments (7 posted):

Nelly on 18/03/2014 06:32:03
Umlayile. Batokhawula kulala nemadvodza ebantfu.
abednego. on 18/03/2014 08:32:17
The story is not clear gamedze stabed Dlamini and dlamini handed her to the police yes they. Are. All wrong for fighting
ntsetselelo maphalala on 18/03/2014 11:12:15
why fight over a man yet there are a lot of singles out there???
Ncobzitha........Big Bend City on 18/03/2014 14:32:26
agh this Gamedze woman should have stabbed the hubby not the rival because she was also proposed by the man,this act was just uncalled for.
Sive on 18/03/2014 15:30:18
who handed herself to the police, Dlamini or Gamedze?
cebsile on 18/03/2014 16:09:47
make sure guys that when you wright a story or an article,you re-read it ningasiniki intfo lengavakali
Futhie Ngcamphalala on 18/03/2014 16:17:36
Sis mani!! silwanyane lomfati.

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