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MANZINI - A man who resides at the Matsapha Police College claimed his arrest for drink-driving and 10 other traffic counts was personal as he regularly drank alcohol with police officers at the police mess.

Mkhosi Dlamini (30) of Police College was slapped with 11 counts, among them is driving while he was under the influence of alcohol.
The suspect told the court that he stayed at the police college with his father, who is a police officer by profession. He further said that the police officers who effected his arrest had a personal vendetta against his father and also held grudges.

“Your Worship, I always drink with police officers at the police college mess as we stay together. I knew they had personal issues with my father and they had to take them out on me by arresting me,” Dlamini said.

The suspect also told the court that he did not like the fact that he was arrested while inside the police camp as it was not a public road. Magistrate Sindisile Zwane clarified the suspect’s statement and stated that as long as it was a road used by motorists, it was a public one and not private as he had assumed. “As long as you are not in a private property used by people, it makes it a public road,” the magistrate said.

Dlamini was found driving a Toyota LDV at the Police College while under the influence of alcohol. On the second count, it was alleged that Dlamini failed to provide a breath specimen reading. He informed the court that his breath specimen was tested several times by the police.
The suspect was further charged with failing to comply with police instruction by refusing to board a police van while on count four he was charged for fighting police officers when he was arrested such that they had to seek reinforcement from other officers.

Dlamini said he was ordered by the police to board the police van and he obliged. He denied ever fighting police officers and told the court that he never even touched them with his hands, much to the amusement of the people inside the courtroom.
The suspect was also charged with driving an unroadworthy car on the said road. It was alleged that the car had smooth tyres, defective handbrake, no fuel cap and a shattered windscreen.

On count six and seventh count, Dlamini was charged with failing to produce a driver’s licence and stopping the said car on roadway thus obstructing other road users.
Dlamini boldly told the court that police officers did not bother asking for his driver’s licence and he was shocked that he was charged as he did possess one.

On the eighth and ninth counts he was charged with failing to comply with police instruction after he allegedly failed to drive his car to the police station and for negligent driving. It was alleged that he was found driving at high speed, failed to keep left and failed to comply with stop signs.
After he was fined E12 800 for all 11 traffic offences, he pleaded with the court to give him a chance to pay the amount in instalments as he was not employed and had two children who solely depended on him. Magistrate Zwane informed him that the court did not do deferments. He begged the court to let his mother be his surety and assured the court that indeed the money would be paid every month to the court clerks.

The court granted the suspect’s application and ruled that he pay E2 000 every month beginning today (yesterday). He was ordered to make an appearance on May 6, 2014 for proof that he had paid another E2 000 instalment failing which he would be jailed and ordered to pay the whole amount of E12 800.He was however cautioned and discharged  on the offence of failing to provide a driver’s licence and had a suspended sentence on the one of refusing to board a police van.


Comments (2 posted):

sting on 24/03/2014 05:55:47
Swai courts turn to be harsh on miner cases and on cases involving the poor class but Big crimes,people are given miner sentences.
Victor Bafuyi on 24/03/2014 09:29:28
This is pathetic!!
But for fear of victimization, I will just say the law is to protetect us even from the people who enforce it. This case is a clear misuse of the law. It baffles me why the arresting was not called to defend his accusations....

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