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MBABANE – “It serves (Apostle) Justice right. God is punishing and trying to humble him for his actions.” These were the words of self-proclaimed prophet Gcina Mthethwa upon hearing news that the Worship Centre, a church led by Apostle Justice Dlamini, had been taken to court by SwaziBank over a E3 million debt.

According to court papers, the bank entered into a written agreement with the church for a loan on July 17, 2012.
“In terms of the agreement, the plaintiff (SwaziBank) lent and advanced to the defendant (Worship Centre), upon the latter’s insistence and request, an amount of E3.5 million,” reads part of the combined summons filed at the High Court.

According  to the bank, this amount was to be repaid over a period of 40 months, effective August 2012 and the interest was to be payable at the rate of 12 per cent comprising prime lending rate.
As collateral for the due fulfilment of its obligation to the bank, the church is said to have registered a mortgage bond over immovable property in favour of the bank, being No. 325/2008.
It is also alleged in the court papers that the church is a company known as World – Tabernacle trading as Worship Centre, duly registered in terms of the company laws of Swaziland and Apostle Justice allegedly signed the loan agreement in his capacity as its director.

All these are allegations contained in an affidavit whose veracity is still to be tested in court and Worship Centre is still to file its responding papers.
Prophet Mthethwa, without delving into the merits or demerits of the case, said he sincerely felt this was God’s work and partly a fulfilment of a prophecy he made about two years ago.
The prophet said some two years ago, he prophesied that the state-of-the-art Mbabane Worship Centre building would, some day, cease to be a church structure and turn into a shopping mall.
The structure, said to be worth E10 million, is located at Eveni and has a carrying capacity of 1 500 people.

Mthethwa said the prophecy about Apostle Justice’s church came to him after he had allegedly been referred to as a ‘loose cannon’ by Dlamini in the press.
He claimed that God was angry at Dlamini and his church, which is why the church is facing problems with the bank.
He claimed that what was currently happening was a fulfilment of his prophesies and said more problems would follow the church. He alleged that in due course, the church structure would be sold by public auction and end up operating as a shopping complex. Mthethwa insisted that he was not being jealous with Apostle Justice and his church but was merely foretelling the future.

“When the reports about me were published in the newspapers where he had called me a loose cannon, I responded and said I talk to the spirit. I talk to the spirit of life and to the spirit of death. “I went as far as prophesying that the Worship Centre would end up a shopping complex. I said the church structure would be auctioned because God is not happy with it,” he said.

When asked to specify the reason why God was allegedly not happy with the church, Mthethwa said God was unhappy because the church’s leader had opened a food franchise selling halaal food. Apostle Justice and his wife are the co-directors of the local franchise of Jimmy’s Killer Fish and Chips (JKFC) situated at the Mbabane city centre. Mthethwa claimed that the current lawsuit against the church by SwaziBank was a direct consequence of the opening of the franchise. 

“God is trying to humble Apostle Justice and all this emanated from him opening a halaal restaurant. God wants to humble him up to zero for that,” he claimed. Mthethwa made other allegations which, however, cannot be repeated as they could not be substantiated.

Comments (1 posted):

Maseko Sifiso Loveness on 30/03/2014 04:44:28
We pay for good and bad things we do. It seems the'are two kingdom between the two !
Salubuya Jesu safa mahumusha !

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