For what my personal opinion is worth, I firmly support the perspective that the sturdiest challenge facing our society as a whole including the youth, is of a psychological nature.
To clarify, I say this without even the tiniest premeditated intention to downplay the economic forces that are currently on our ‘collective necks’ of all of us, the lack of jobs or sustainable sources of income available to the majority (again, particularly for the youth) or the large cloud of doubt and uncertainty that continues to swirl around our futures - graduate or not.
None at all. However, it is key to point out that all these, including many more socio-political that also impinge heavily, all work collaboratively to shape, influence and sway the collective psyche of the people in the directions that we see play out in everyday life. This not only reinforces the point made earlier about the major battle we are facing as beings in the world today being psychological, but it also brings necessary attention to how much our surroundings (both on an individual and larger, public scale) have an effect on our mental wellbeing. As inevitable as it is that the socio-economic landscape bears effect on the lives of the individuals involved, it is equally as inevitable that what trickles down into the individuals’ life will impact them in one way or another.
More so, this holds truth, especially from a psychological point of view whereby the individual is processing, experiencing and assimilating all these events going on around them, and in some cases without the necessary physical, psycho-social or socio-emotional resources to adeptly do this. Low employment of graduates, for instance, may seem a minor issue for someone else, when it is the source of actual psychological trauma for the graduate of five years impatiently waiting for an employment opportunity. Especially since the pandemic, the proverbial ‘doom and gloom’ that is currently dominating the worlds’ economies does not make for good forecast readings for budding businesses or graduates looking for that first job and due to examples such as this that many people are subject to suffer psychological conundrums, (like unemployment and the inability to provide) they may struggle to deal with.
Socially also, we continue to experience ‘mass shifts’ or alterations in ways of general perception overtime which is why we can all agree that socially, standards are a little different by comparison to 20 or 30 years ago. Just as every other thing is, this is both a good and bad thing. It is good because we have been able to evolve, get involved with the each other (and the rest of the world) and assimilate some positive exchanges through travel, social media and other ways. Alternatively, some of the what we do assimilate or adopt, whether intentionally or unintentionally as a society has proven to be harmful and heavily detrimental. Our children, for instance are easily lured into the virtual world of social media and become embroiled in wanting to become what they see on there, which in turn has made the parenting job that more difficult.
More specific details, for instance how the media and social media have contributed to the spread of certain behaviours or ‘trends’ or the role it plays in determining our self-image, all these have also contributed to the volatile psycho-emotional world that we are a part of. As mentally attritious as the world may seem currently, my advice would be try to be as adaptable as you possibly can. By this I mean, with everything around us struggling for consistency, it is important to try and be able to accept change and discomfort, especially because it just might benefit you in the short, medium and long-term.
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