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There are many things I look at today and presume how they would be much more different had the philosophical weather and moral compass that dictated life in the time of our parents been different. Many of the moral problems we have today are a reflection of the poor societal rules that existed before us. What do I mean? I mean that the traditional world that our parents existed in has done more harm than good to the present and that is why there is so much resistance towards positive change in a majority of fields because the transition is hard for the person that was raised in a traditional world, having to now live in a modern one with the philosophy traditional philosophy of life.


The confusion and stubbornness born from this, is what today we label as ‘a loss of culture’ when men cannot meet the version of women that tolerated whatever their grandparents presented. This is why the world has become unkind to forceful and aggressive men and has become so embracing of intolerable women – women who do not accept what they do not deserve. Reflecting on the type of men and women we have in today’s world, and comparing them to the youth that exists now, the lines are not so blurry because there is a huge defining line that illustrates the difference in culture, thinking and teachings believed by both groups. For example, in a conversation between a 47-year-old and a 26-year-old about marriage, the 40-year-old is bound to be obedient and stay even when they are not being served in a marriage because they have grown up to the teachings of marriage being sacred and the wife being the ‘glue’ that keeps the family together regardless of circumstances and she firmly believes that to leave a man in marriage signifies her failures and is humiliation is society so she will stay.


On the other hand, the 26-year-old perceives marriage as an agreement in which the husband is equally liable and responsible for holding together and will put herself first when she is no longer served. The 26-year-old is more likely not afraid to walk away and start afresh – sometimes as many times as they have to, as long as they are happy. This is merely just one, but an example of how the world is for the traditional and modern philosophy. Men are not the exception of this, for example, a man that cannot support his family is most likely to mistreat them and not share the burden with the family for support and comfort because it emasculates him and makes him feel like less of a man.

On the other hand, a man of the modern philosophical way of thinking is most likely to be comfortable sitting his family down and engaging them of their struggles and sometimes even take the initiative for counselling without feeling emasculated for it. I noted how many problems are a result of this traditional thinking, the thinking that will continue to produce behaviours we do not need in the world we are in.  I have personally always thought that to hold onto ideas that foster oppressing behaviours is to be an enabler of abuse in one way or another.


Therefore, it is important to change the way that our mothers and fathers taught us the world works and erase the toxic philosophies that exist by producing children that are kinder, less absolved in the idea that it’s a man’s world. This means making raising a child, child centred and not ‘girl child’ centred. Moving away from the notion that the only person that needs to be taught and raised in society is the female – they must be taught how to be a wife, how to be a sister, how to be a maid, how to be desirable, how not to offend men and so much more.

The boy child on the other hand is treated as an adult even before they are of age – made to presume the responsibility of manhood and that they cannot be children even to their mothers and sisters and, therefore, they are not taught how to be a husband, how to be a brother, how to be loving, they are not taught consent or given sex education, and this is because of a society that from traditional times has always been too busy preparing young girls for men that are not equally being prepared. If girls are to be prepared to be women, then who is busy preparing boys to be men? The modern philosophy continues to challenge this in order to have more well yoked men, that do not perceive their existence as simply a gift to women.

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