Home | Sports | 50% WOMEN IN SOCGA BOARD


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(At OlympAfrica Centre)

LOBAMBA – With the country headed for national elections next year, SOCGA has set the tone for women representation in leadership positions.

In the eight-member Swaziland Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association (SOCGA) executive elected into office on Sunday for the next quadrennial, four are women. Pearl Dlamini, the Swaziland Boxing Association (SWABA) President, holds the highest position of Vice President with Temangcamane Maseko and Mandisa Sigudla as members.

Secretary General Muriel Hofer, who is appointed and sits in the executive, is also female. The rest of the executive is made up of Peter Shongwe (President), Zakhele Zulu (Treasurer), as well as Zombodze Magagula and Zakhele Dlamini (members).

This means that there will be no extraordinary meetings like it happened in the last electoral General Assembly in 2012 to balance gender in the executive as per the dictates of the organisation’s constitution. Article 23.3 (1) states that ‘both genders must be represented on the Board with a minimum of 30 per cent representation.’

It continues in Article 23.3 (2) that ‘in the event of this not being met after the elections, the newly-elected Board shall immediately propose not more than two persons to be elected by the same General Assembly onto the Board with full voting rights to meet the gender equity clause’. The electoral officer was Musa Sibandze, who is an attorney by profession.

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