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MBABANE – The PLS season will now finish earlier than the anticipated May 14 to give way to Mbabane Swallows to participate in the CAF Confederations Cup.

Yesterday, Premier League of Swaziland (PLS) COO Petros Vilakati said they were busy with consultation meeting with key stakeholders with the hope of reviewing the calendar.
The capital city giants will play their first CAF Confederations group stage match against Tunisian side CS Sfaxien on the weekend of May 12-14 away.

The following week they will host South Africa’s Platinum Stars at Somhlolo National Stadium, before hosting Algeria’s MC Algier on the weekend of June 2-4 to play, in about three weeks from there they will travel to Algerian for the away tie.

As a result, the organisation has released a fixture for Monday headlined by the clash between champions elect Mbabane Swallows against Manzini Wanderers at Somhlolo National Stadium at 3.30pm. The match will be preceded by a clash pitting Midas City against Moneni Pirates at 1.30pm.

“Stakeholders are still in talks, but I can confirm now that the calendar for the league will be reviewed. There will be games on Monday to try to speed up the season and there are other fixtures during the midweek,” he said.
Swallows played Moneni Pirates yesterday evening in a pending MTN League match. They will then play Manzini Wanderers on Monday and Mbabane Highlanders later to round up their campaign in the championship, which they have long won.

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