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(In Tunisia Courtesy of
Heptagon Construction Company)

TUNIS – Mbabane Swallows management has served divorce papers to errant left full back Sanele Mkhweli.

Mkhweli is expected to be handed his clearance upon arrival in the country to join a team of his choice.

The decision to show the left full back signed from Manzini Wanderers three seasons ago, was taken after numerous meetings by the club boss, Victor ‘Maradona’ Gamedze and his management team led by Sandile ‘Beyond 2000’ Zwane here since arrival on Friday.

Mkhweli, according to informed sources close to the team, together with three other key players apparently refused to board the team bus when the team prepared to drive to Johannesburg to connect a 5pm flight to Dubai.

The quartet, which include three senior players, alerted the team captain, Tony ‘TT’ Tsabedze and his assistant Wonder ‘Samba Jive’ Nhleko of their decision not to travel if they are not promised bonuses by the club management.

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