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MBABANE – Has Mbabane Highlanders coach Alou Badara lost the dressing room?

The under pressure mentor, who had to be whisked out of Somhlolo National Stadium in a police escort on Saturday after the 0-3 loss to Green Mamba, it has transpired, had a falling out with player Mpucuko ‘Smoothies’ Dlamini. 
It has emerged that when Badara was making his final change in the game they lost 3-0, with Frank Antwi the one going to the fourth official in readiness to go in but was recalled after fans disapproved, Badara then turned to expected candidate Smoothies’. However, just as the player was changing into black socks, Antwi was given the green light again and eventually was the final substitution. “Smoothies was going in but he did an act of indiscipline. He was unfortunately not ready to go in. I can’t say what went on in detail but he wasn’t ready,” Badara said yesterday as he had not commented after the match following fans baying for his blood.

Before Antwi was given the nod to play, he had warmed up together with ‘Smoothies’ but when they came back to the bench, fans were displeased to see the former being the final change ahead of the latter. It was not an easy substitute for the coach and player as fans gave it a big no and voiced it out openly. It was no surprise when Antwi was recalled just before the fourth official could make the change. ‘Smoothies’ was told to come in but as he prepared himself, Antwi continued to the fourth official and was used as the last substitute. Badara insisted on not revealing details of the indiscipline he alleges but said he would be meeting his players yesterday afternoon. However, the player was also called on the matter and gave his own side of the story.

“Firstly, I have been used as a substitute by many coaches in the club and never did I refuse to play. In this case, I didn’t refuse but I was just getting ready when the coach felt I wasn’t ready. He failed to understand that I was changing into black socks since we had a new kit with limited pairs,” the player said. He said as he was changing, the coach told him he was not ready to play and asked Antwi to go ahead as their last substitute. “I was also protecting myself because he only changed his mind after the fans made noise over Antwi. It’s unfortunate if people will think I refused to play when I have never at any point in my career done that. I was just not in his plans,” he said. He said it would be wrong for the coach to create the impression that he refused to go in as a substitute, when he trains hard daily, morning and afternoon without skipping a session. “I do everything he says without question and still will, as I’m a Highlanders player and he is our coach,” he added while admitting it was painful not to play for five consecutive games.

Fans bayed for the coach’s blood immediately after the final whistle but police were quick to read the situation and rushed to Badara’s protection before any fan got to him. He was whisked out of the stadium by the police. Highlanders’ Secretary/PRO Mphumelelo Mnisi, could not be reached for immediate comment but one official on the team’s technical bench confirmed the matter on condition of anonymity.

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