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LOBAMBA – Calvin Louw pedalled to victory at lightning speed during the returning Criterium race, which was held at Somhlolo National Stadium yesterday morning.

Louw is the same cyclist who won the first edition, which was held in the Mbabane CBD in 2014.It was hosted by the Velo Cycle Eswatini, while this year’s edition was organised by Newcom Wheels Cycling Club. 

Yesterday saw cyclists enduring laps around Somhlolo National Stadium using the tar road, which bypasses Parliament and turns a corner by the FA Technical Centre before stretching to the winning point near Somhlolo National main gate.
Louw of 4eva Cycling Club took an early lead and emerged as the victor after doing 14 laps (40km) of the cycle race and took home a floating trophy.


He did it in 56:42:01 minutes. In 2014, he had endured the course, which was 50km long in 1:10:48 hours.
It was a challenging race as the course had a few corners and steep hills, that made it tougher for the cyclists, but Louw had the verve to survive.
“The route was fantastic and I enjoyed myself. I maintained the same pace in the first two laps and on the third lap I opened the gap in the steep hills. I noticed that they were still of the view that I would decrease the pace, but I did not slow down. I led from that the third lap until the last lap,” Louw said.

Louw said it was important to take the right meal before a race.


“I ate cereals and two bananas. I also drank a lot of water. This combination gave me stamina and energy to maintain the same pace until the end of the race,” he said
Coming second was another 4EVA Cycling Club member in Morgan Rudd, who finished the race in 57:46:12 minutes.
“The route was beautiful and I enjoyed myself. The plan for the team was to maintain the same pace and let one of our members break away from the crowd and set a high pace. Louw did just that and we followed until the finish line. Clearly, the strategy worked because I came second,” Rudd said.

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