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 MAYIWANE – With no surviving children or husband to support her, a 70-year-old woman, popularly known as ‘Gogo we Swallow’, had lost hope when a house she lived in collapsed.

However, her hope was restored on Saturday when newly-elected Mayiwane Member of Parliament (MP) Shebeleza Dlamini handed over keys to her house valued at over E30 000.

Mayina Mamba, who is known as ‘Gogo we Swallow’ because of her love for the Mbabane Swallows Football Club, lives with grandchildren who were left behind when her children passed on.

Mamba said her husband died over 30 years ago when her third child was born.
She said this then forced her to go into employment around Mhlume where she developed love for soccer.
Some residents, including Mbabane Swallows fans, gathered at her homestead near Buhleni to celebrate the first day at her new house.

The house has a Mbabane Swallows Sticker on the door.
Mamba said in her view, it felt like the MP had adopted her as his own parent since she has no other source of income and that there was no way she could have rebuilt her house.

She said Dlamini not only provided her with a house but also gave her food on a monthly basis so that she could support her grandchildren.
Mamba also revealed that the family can only afford supper but that luckily, her grandchildren normally had their meals at school.


Speaking on behalf of Dlamini who handed over the house keys, Kenneth Bhiya who manages construction projects on behalf of the MP said the aim was to build house for the elderly.
“This is the second houses to hand over but we want to continue doing it,” said Bhiya.

He said the team would move around the community to identify mainly the elderly who do not have proper houses and then build a new home for them.
When asked about the Eswatini national team Sihlangu, Mamba said one day, they would become the African champions but only if they heed her advice.
She said in her view, newly-appointed Minister of Sports Culture and Youth Affairs Harries ‘Madze’ Bulunga was the answer.

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