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MBABANE – I have been doing it for fun but now it is a lifestyle. Every man wants that classic bodybuilder physique but truth be told; if you want it, you must work for it, period. Experts say that habits are acquired through frequent repetition. Some habits are developed unintentionally but end up being part our daily routines, embraced by passion and dedication.

Meet 21-year-old Thabiso Zwane from the busy township of Matsapha, who has been lifting weights for the past six years from the tender age of 15, weighing 75kg on the scale. By then, working out was a fun game for him but with time, he developed the passion and love for the sport due to its evident benefits in his physical appearance. He said he was fascinated when he saw his arms growing strong visible muscles and then decided to work even harder to grow bigger and stronger.

“I started training in my home’s backyard, where we used cement buckets as weights but with time it became a habit and before i knew it, working out became part of my daily routine,” he said.
His motivation to thrive in the gym, even through tough times, was inspired by the engraved desire to have the physique of his childhood role model, Jay Christopher Cutler, who is the former American footballer and also a former bodybuilder champion.
The young lad is living up to his dream as he is now a renowned bodybuilder weighing a massive 93kg and third-place  winner of the recent Barbosa Classic Bodybuilding competition in the men’s heavy weights over 80kg, where he was competing against the country’s bodybuilding heavy weights such as army side’s Simanga Maziya.


“I did not get to where I am by magic but through hard work and suffered multiple injuries before mastering the proper workout tactics and dedicating each workout on specific parts of my body. I am not there yet; I still have a long way to go,” he said.
He hits the gym six times per week enduring intense gym exercises for about two hours. On Mondays and Tuesdays, he focuses on squats and chest exercises. Wednesday and Thursday sessions specialise on shoulders and biceps and the next two days he gets down to more intense workouts, constructing triceps and the back muscles.

Some people have resolved to speeding up their muscle building by using life threatening drugs such as steroids but Zwane said his goal was to build his ideal body only through hard work in the gym and by following a proper diet.
“I am also very particular about the kind of food that I eat and mostly I eat food that will enhance my kind of sport. This kind of lifestyle is very costly and demanding, of course,” he added.

Like most bodybuilders, he takes six meals from morning to evening, consuming bulks of fat free protein, lots of green vegetables, one energy bar per day, not more than 100 grammes of any form of starch and supplement powders which are often very expensive.  Zwane advised people who are interested in bodybuilding to pursue their dreams and only do it through healthy and safe means.

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