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Nayi le ngan’ yewalk yomhlaba
Nayi le walk ye phara
Nayi le walk yeykhokho eybhaya
Mang’ ngekho kulokhwe bhaya
Mang’ khona nginolova eSibaya
Nayi le load yeyngane
Bangibona bang’ phosa eynganeni
Hhayi ngeke
Nayi le dude ye walk yomhlaba
Manje ngizom’ ravaza
Ndiyayazi abamtshelanga
Manje ngizom’ phalaza
Mangingena ababambi ncanca
Manje ngiyalivusa
Aksimina, inkinga ulova, ngenzeni?
Woza, Taka taka nje ngentakumba
I’m gonna squeeze ya
Andzok’ phuncula
Shaku, shaku!
NjengoJuju siyaphikisa
S’yojuluka, kodwa...

Wololomani sangena Gazi singena on the last weekend phela of the month of love, sisho yena lo-February singena with one of our favourites hits phela by  DJ Maphorisa & DJ Raybel featuring Zulu Mkhathini, K.O, we are in high spirits phela since nebaphatsi sebasibonile ngabo nsubulwane naloku nje Gazi our salaries kwasho one of the dearly departed crew members, afana nema women’s periods – comes once a month, last for three or four days bese siphela lapho sikolwa setfu.


Kodvwa ke Gazi since it’s that time of the year where phela kudliwa Ganutiser, we are sorted nje kulamalanga Gazi. We attended phela the Maganu Ceremony le-Buhleni and we could not believe our eyes. Tiyabondvwa Gazi le-Buhleni kudzela sibukeli.
Talking phela of kudzela kwesibukeli reminded us of how these two stars of a top Mbabane side who were involved in a gruelling fist fight, which would make lama-duels abo Floyd Mayweather na- McGregor look like umdlalo wasetinkhomeni nakweluswe tinkhomo Gazi.

Unsurprisingly, this petulant midfielder was involved in a fist fight with his teammate in training on Monday. Our highly placed sources told us how the two youngsters, who are both coming from the much acclaimed development structure of the team and have made a huge impact in the senior team, sebaze badlale nakubo-CAF Champions League, had to be separated by their teammates sekukhale imphama nesibhakela.


Apparently, the winger did not take kindly to a vicious, bone-crushing tackle by the petulant midfielder who seemingly is a problem-child (though tsine we believe nje he is a child with a problem). Teammates had to intervene as the two youngsters who are also friends, turned the training pitch into a boxing ring without ema-rules. The teammates and coach had to intervene to stop the two from tearing each other apart.

Gazi tsine we know they are friends and they also love leligwayi lelikhulu lase-Pigg’s Peak, and we want to warn them to stop this sort of behaviour. We can only advice them to sort out their differences nabashaya labo two pulls lekasi where they spend a lot of time together. Phela such an incident is not happening for the first time at this top team yase-Mbabane as a few seasons ago, some top players nanabo exchanged blows. The issue was kept under wraps by the club management though reported in the mainstream media.

Tsine nje we hope the two youngsters can channel these energetic tendencies towards helping the club win the league championship. Asetime letibhakela bo! Akudlwale ibhola kushaywe emagoli ... sinitsandza nonkhe...

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