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LOBAMBA – The annual National Sports Budget continues to plummet faster than the Lilangeni in the currency graph.

For the second time in a row, the budget allocation to the Swaziland National Sports and Recreation Council (SNRSC) was yet again decreased. In the past budget, the SNSRC was allocated E7 million which was a deflation of E5.5 million as in 2017 they had received over E13 million. This year, they were allocated E6 724 710, which is a decrease of E747 190 from last year’s allocation.

The Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs, Harries ‘Madze’ Bulunga, said while sporting activities were one of the country‘s key focus, they (ministry) had to fasten its belt as government was in a fiscal abyss.

“We were aware that the budget would be less than what we would love to get. We do understand this as the country is currently faced with a fiscal crisis. We cannot complain but we have to work with the little that we have as ministry. We will channel most on these funds to development,” Bulunga said.

He also highlighted that there was a need to have more elite athletes who would compete fairly in continental competitions.

“We have seen a decline in the number of high performance athletes. We need to develop more young athletes, be it in athletics, swimming, taekwondo or boxing or soccer.

The national team is also currently not doing well, the ministry will have to ensure that Sihlangu reclaim its lime-light in Africa and across the globe. That can be achieved by grooming youngsters through grassroots projects,” the former Sihlangu coach said.

Overall, the ministry received E45 912274.This shows a decrease of E4 415 885 from last year’s E50 328 159.


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