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LOBAMBA – Do Mbabane Highlanders have two supporters committees?  A section of the aggrieved supporters converged at Lobamba National High School yesterday following reports of delays of players’ salaries, among other issues, and sought a lasting solution.

While the team leadership has recently announced an interim National Supporters Committee (NSC) chaired by Zakhe Dlamini, the Kenneth Dlamini-led board remains in office.

Kenneth with three members of his committee chaired yesterday’s meeting. Mduduzi Fakudze, who is part of the Kenneth regime, said they were here to stay until told otherwise by the supporters who elected them.

Members of the interim committee were noticeably not part of yesterday’s gathering except for the popular Mpapane Ndlovu who took the backseat with pleasure.

The supporters agreed on having a fund to sustain the team in times of difficulties, following reports of players’ salary delays.  However, they were reminded of the supporters mobile money account.

At the end, it was agreed that an annual general meeting on a date to be confirmed be convened to map a way forward.
 Other supporters had suggested that the team should get land to have their home base, especially a soccer field.

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