MBABANE – A fierce battle for a podium finish is on the cards in Sunday’s United Holdings Newcom Wheels Mafutseni Cycle Classic.
Local cyclists should brace themselves for a tough competition from their counterparts from three South Africa’s professional teams during the 120km race set for Mafutseni Filling Station in Manzini from 7am. These are ProTouch, Sampada, and Proud Beginners. Cyclists from these clubs have dominated in the past, especially during the equally torturous MTN Khemani Cycle Classic.
Confirming the latest developments, Eswatini Cycling Association (ECA) President Sihlangu Nhlabatsi expressed hope that the presence of the professionals would be inspirational to the locals.
Meanwhile, Mbusi Motsa from the host club Newcom Wheels, said it was all systems go for the festivities, saying at least 400 cyclists were expected to take to the road in pursuit for glory.
“The top three in the main race will get E4 000, E2 000 and E1 000,” said Motsa.
Entry fee for the main race is E250. Other races will be 60, 20 and 10km long. Participation fee for the second longest race is E180 while the rest of the competitors will pay E60.
Cyclists can visit Adventure Sport outlets in Manzini and Mbabane to register. Forms can also be downloaded at Further enquiries can be made on 7602 6424 or 7613 7070.
Other activities will include children’s fun games.
Like in previous editions, the cyclists will race along places that include Luve, Croydon, Dvokolwako, Madlangempisi and Bhalekane. Winning in the past year was visiting South Africa’s Terry Ryan, who became the youngest cyclist to win the race. He was 17 last year and clocked a golden time of 03:07:44 hours to shake off countryman Thulasizwe Mxenge and 2017 champion Muzi Shabangu in the race to the top.
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