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MBABANE – Imbube Marathon registration closes on Sunday. If you wish to push your limits, test your endurance and conquer the 2019 Imbube Marathon, you are only left with three days to register.

This annual event is slated for October 6, 2019. The Eswatini National Provident Fund in collaboration with the event’s main sponsor have partnered with Eswatini Mobile in providing the nation with a convenient and easy platform to register for the race. Simply dial *610# on your Eswatini Mobile registered phone to register or access entry forms online by visiting www.imbubemarathon.com.

The marathon is divided into four legs and these are a 3.3km walk for the disabled and elderly, 10km family fun run, 21.1km half-marathon and the longest distance being the 42.2km Imbube marathon.

The elderly and the physically challenged participants will gain free entry while it will cost E185 to join the 42.2km, E155 for the 21.1km and E130 for the 10km race. Lucrative cash prizes in all divisions and categories have been tabled to the total value of E400 000.

The race starts and ends at Somhlolo National Stadium. The Kingdom of Eswatini has numerous historic and monumental landmarks and the race routes take participants through a journey of the country’s history as they will meander past the Parliament Building, the capital city and the central business district. 
The marathon is part of His Majesty King Mswati III Vision 2022, which aims at attaining First World status.

To achieve this, sporting events such as the annual Imbube marathon are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle for the nation. Wolrdwide research and mere reality has shown that healthy children produce a healthy nation and healthy people work hard to produce a wealthy nation.

The reality of the matter is that wealth and health are intertwined and this means that a wealthy nation begins with healthy means. This national event accommodates people of all ages or capabilities and it is advisable that the nation join hands in promoting health and wellness.

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