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MBABANE – Professor Efraim Kramer has challenged the participants of the FIFA Medicine Course to apply what they have learnt in the field.

Kraimer was quoted during the grand closing of the sports medicine course that was held at Lobamba Technical Centre yesterday. About 30 team doctors attended the course, and were awarded certificates after completing the two-day long course, which was facilitated by South African instructor Efraim Kramer, Doctor Geertsema  from New Zealand and FIFA instructor Alexis Weber. In his comments, Kramer said the now certified sports medical doctors had the challenge to apply the theory of what they learnt in the field. He said it was their responsibility to do their best in ensuring that players get the proper medical care in training and in the field of play.

“I hope that we have taught you something new, which you will use to prevent, heal and rehabilitate injuries.


This may be the first time we have this course and I hope that it is not the last. Your passion is undoubted and that was shown by the debates and discussions we had throughout the course,” said Kramer.

Speaking on behalf of the participants, Welcome Motsa hailed the Eswatini Football Association (EFA) for availing the opportunity to enrol in the high beneficial course, all for the benefit of the players. He said all the participants were amazed upon realising the changes in terms of rendering medical care in the football fraternity.

“ We are honoured and privileged in having the first-of-its-kind workshop in the kingdom of Eswatini even though it was met with mixed feelings by the participants,  considering the changes that need to be observed when  handling medical issues of players in case of an incident. We are proud of our leaders who work very close with us and also comply with our needs. Let us then not end with the theory but go out there and make a difference and change people lives by playing our part in prolonging the careers of the players,” said Motsa.

EFA President Adam ‘Bomber’ Mthethwa said it was his office’s responsibility tomake these courses available and therefore left it upon the clubs enrol and apply their knowledge in their clubs.


“As an association, we can only do this much and we leave it to the clubs to make sure that they hire a qualified and professional team doctor that would cater for the medical needs of players. Go out there and look for club that does not have someone as qualified as you are and the passion in your will be fruitful,” said Mthethwa.

The president further thanked the FIFA-accredited instructors for volunteering to run the course in the country and hoped that they would return to impart more knowledge that would help develop Eswatini football to a world standard.

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