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MBABANE – Ashihara artists has been given a 500 push-ups, squats, sit-ups per week challenge to keep fit while under lockdown due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Eswatini Ashihara Karate Association Chairman Abdul Khaaliq Dlamini led by example as he his did 47 cross fit, 2km run, sandbag sprints and lunges, tyre-over throws, jump box, drum Squats, tyre flips among other exercises yesterday morning. Dlamini said this is a challenge that will keep the artists fit and ready for action when the lockdown is over. He said due to the coronavirus pandemic, they were taking all precautions to fight the virus and physical fitness is one of them.

“Our training programme is simple, we have created a challenge, where each student is to do 500 push-ups, squats, sit-ups per week and that should be recorded in our daily record sheet. All students are practising their forms/katas each five times a day. These apply to both ashihara karate kata and competition kata, for immediately after the lift of the lockdown, we having a grading. “With our WhatsApp group, we keep check on each other and encourage isolation and the group further allows the students to forward their questions pertaining training and new developments and Sensei Abdul also uploads tournament clips,” he said.


“We as Eswatini Ashihara Karate are playing our part in the combat against the virus. Sadly, we regret to inform our students and international friends who had the intention to take part in our Annual Eswatini Ashihara Karate Open Championships 2020 and Sabaki Challenge 2020, scheduled for April, 4, 2020, that it has been postponed to an unknown date. The 2nd Ashihara Karate World Cup 2020, South Africa, Cape Town, has also been postponed due to the coronavirus; with over 40 countries expected, we couldn’t take the risk of endangering our athletes and families. The Tournament Director, Kaicho Hoosain Narker, stated that the long awaited mega tournament is to be moved to 2021, but this year, we have a smaller one just to keep our students tournament-ready,” he added. Dlamini encouraged parents to ensure that they support and ensure that the students adhere to a healthy diet.

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