Home | Sports | E194 000 GOES MISSING AT MANZINI FA


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MBABANE – Money is the root of all evil. This seems to be the case at the Manzini Regional Football Association (MRFA) where a sum of E193 481 has allegedly been misappropriated.

According to the audited financial statements handed to teams during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in December, a sum of E193 481 was reported ‘as a loss due to misappropriation by employees’. Subsequently the Office Clerk, one Phephile Matsenjwa, was then suspended and charged with dishonesty.
The association posted a surplus of E92 259 for the year ended June 30, 2019, which was E6 924 less than the E99 183 surplus made in the previous year, 2018.

According to the audited financial statement, the association spent E252 274 on sitting and transport allowances which was E134 061 more than the previous year’s E118 213.

An informed source told the Times Sunday Sports Desk that the issue of the misappropriated funds was a thorn in the team’s flesh, as they were now facing suspension because of unpaid affiliation and registration fees.

“We want the Executive to explain to us how such a high figure of money can just disappear yet on the other hand we are threatened with suspension because teams are owing registration fees and fines,” the source said.

The misappropriation of the money was also reported to the mother body, the Eswatini Football Association (EFA) Executive Committee.
EFA Marketing and Communications Officer Muzi Radebe said this was an issue that was being handled by the Manzini Regional Football Association (MRFA).

“The Manzini FA is an autonomous body and it is handling this issue on its own for now. As an affiliate, we believe they will handle it well,” Radebe said. MRFA Chairman Johannes ‘Ace’ Siboza confirmed that the issue of the misappropriation of E194 000 was contained in the audited financial statements which were handed to the affiliates during the AGM in December.

“The office clerk was suspended and charged with dishonesty and I appointed an Independent DC to handle her case. We are having a meeting on Tuesday where a decision on the case will then be reported to the executive committee. We will call a press conference afterwards,” Siboza said briefly.

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