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MBABANE – The Eswatini Football Association (EFA) Technical Director (TD) Bhekisisa ‘Bizzah’ Mkhonta is among football administrators who are taking the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak seriously and have warned the nation to do the same.

The TD said the pandemic, which has devastated the entire world, was fatal and it was an issue that must not be taken lightly.
Mkhonta is among those who exercise alone at home to keep fit and healthy during the partial lockdown as gyms and fitness centres were closed. 
He has also encouraged the nation to also exercise at home to boost their immune systems as it was not easier for diseases, COVID-19 inclusive, to affect one when they kept fit.


“The coronavirus is dangerous and it kills and therefore I urge everyone, especially the football family (players, managers, coaches, sponsors, supporters and sports reporters) to adhere to the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health aimed at combating the scourge of the coronavirus,” he said.
The TD also added that wherever people were taking care of themselves they must ensure they followed all the outlined government and health practitioners’ guidelines.

“We in football, we value every single soul. We wish everyone good health as we sail through the trying times,” said Mkhonta.
As new COVID-19 cases continue to emerge in the European Region, many healthy individuals are being requested to stay at home in self-quarantine. In some countries, fitness centres and other locations where individuals are normally active, remain temporarily closed. Staying at home for prolonged periods of time can pose a significant challenge to remaining physically active.

Sedentary behaviour and low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on the health, well-being and quality of life of individuals.
Self-quarantine can also cause additional stress and challenge the mental health of citizens.

Physical activity and relaxation techniques can be valuable tools to help you remain calm and continue to protect your health during this time. WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week, or a combination of both.

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